[ 81 ] MAGIC LOVE.

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jackson's parties have always a place where jeongguk would want to go for weekends. it was always full of alcohol and people he knew and he liked those kinds of stuff.

but today was different. he didn't want to go there because of the alcohol or the people. he only went there because taehyung was also there. he wanted to go see him and confess because he's been in love with him since... forever.

but there was a slight problem; taehyung has been so close with the girl rosie and jeongguk knew for a fact that rosie likes taehyung. he did not want taehyung to be together with rosie, yet he knew he can't control that.

"okay," jeongguk mumbles to himself. "confess to taehyung and if he rejects... go kill yourself."

okay, that was a bit too dark but that's what jeongguk has been thinking for the past few days. he knew he wanted to live, but the fact that he has to see taehyung be with someone else hurts him a lot.

when jeongguk arrives at the party, he was immediately greeted with the smell of alcohol and sweat. he stepped inside, not bothering what people are saying to him. he spots taehyung on the bar with rosie.

jeongguk's heart dropped as he sees taehyung's hand softly caresses rosie's cheek.

"t-taehyungie," jeongguk says. "hi."

taehyung turned around and the smile he had vanished. "jeongguk... hi."

"c-can i talk to you privately?" jeongguk stutters. taehyung looked at rosie and she nods with a smile, not before pecking his cheek.

jeongguk frowns at the action but brushes it off to ask about it later. he brought taehyung to the corner of the room where no one was at.

"t-tae..." jeongguk starts. "i-i like you."

"no you don't." taehyung mumbles. "i thought i told you to stop this whole thing? you're just... looking for a fuck and i don't want that. r-rosie's already with me."

jeongguk's whole world fell down. "wh-what?"

"y-yeah... rosie confessed to me not long before you came and i-i told her i loved her," taehyung mumbles before looking at jeongguk who was stepping back from him. "gguk-"

"no, stop." jeongguk mumbles, his heart breaking slowly, tears falling down his cheeks.


"stop!" jeongguk cries out. "y-you accepted rosie's confession w-while you ignored mine? h-how long have rosie been with y-you? how l-long have i been with you, tae? i-i thought you would just kn-know what i'm going through and understand th-that i'm doing all this because people a-are criticizing my sister."


"yeah. the body i transformed to was my sister. i-it's fucked up but sh-she told me that before she died, she wanted to feel what it's like to make love with s-someone. to at least feel love," jeongguk wipes his tears away furiously. "to at least see m-me be together with someone, happily."

taehyung was at loss for words. "gguk-"

jeongguk shook his head. "but now i realized that i would never be good for anyone. n-not even for my fr-friends."

jeongguk soon ran away from taehyung and the party. he didn't want to see anyone, even at school.

he did not want to go to school the next day but he had no choice.

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