[ 27 ] GUIDE YOU.

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yoongi had been a blind young man ever since he was at the age of 7. his older brother decided to play a trick on him with acid. that was stupid of him but yoongi couldn't blame him, they were only both 7 and didn't know anything.

he has a loving and understanding boyfriend, named jimin. without him, yoongi wouldn't be able to achieve his dream, which is making music.

"hey chim. can you look at this? i'm hoping i got it right..." yoongi mumbled towards jimin. yoongi honestly felt bad for jimin. yoongi felt like a burden to jimin since he knew that he always needed jimin's help.

"yeah sure." jimin replied. yoongi heard a few hums from jimin, indicating he was fine.

"yeah. it's fine! nothing's wrong!" jimin said cheerfully. yoongi liked that sound of jimin. even if he couldn't see his face.

"jimin i need to ask you something and you have to answer it truthfully ok?" yoongi started. "am i a burden to you? do i make your life hard because i'm blind? do i-" jimin kissed him.

"shh... stop yoongz. no, you're not a burden to me. no, you're not making my life harder. i love you for who you are. no matter what your problem is i'll always guide you ok? i'll always be there when you need me. i'll always love you no matter what happens." jimin explained.

yoongi was crying from his blank eyes.

"i-i'm sorry if i ever made you uncomfortable ok? it's just that i- it's hard for me t-to see how you actually m-made my life easier... you guide me from ever since we have m-met. i love you so much jimin..." yoongi sobbed.

he could feel a presence behind him and felt jimin hugging him tightly.

"i know, yoongi. i know. i also wish you can see me right now but i guess i'm meant to... guide you." jimin said.



i am so sorry that this was a short imagine! i had a different plot on my mind that i wanted to write so get ready for that!

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(words: 362)

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