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"2, 3! Bang! Tan! Hello we are BTS", the boygroup did their signature introduction.

"We are currently getting ready for our comeback which we hope you will support", the leader said with a smile.

"Ah yes, we are especially very proud of the title track that gives a different vibe from our previous songs", J-Hope continued.

"Speaking of proud," Jimin began, looking at his members in excitement. "We are incredibly proud to announce that Bangtan will have a new family member!" All the boys started clapping and hollering, J-Hope even making a few sound effects.

"We're aware of the risks of suddenly adding another member but we're confident that they'll bring much luck to our team", Namjoon said.

"So without further adeu, please meet our new member!", Jin announced gesturing to the camera. Taking it as my cue, I turn the camera around so it faced me. The wind decided that it was the perfect time to pass by, making my dirty blonde hair fly all over the place. My ears and nose were flushed red in the cold weather but I still smile and wave to the camera.

"Hello, my name's Kang Marin. Please take care of me", I introduced myself briefly.

"Yah, why did you turn off the camera?", all the boys scolded me as they ran up to me, crashing against my sides. I laughed at their failure of a plan to run into camera shot after I did my introduction. They tried to make me do it again but I was already running back to the crew.
It wasn't going to be my individual shoot anytime soon so I sat at the edge of the port, sitting down crossed legged at the edge and looked out to Gwangju sea. I hugged my coat around my body tighter as another gust of wind passed by.

"Hey", Namjoon greeted with a hand on my shoulder and handed me a heating pad. I thanked him and placed it on my cheeks and around my neck. With his own warm pad he sat down next to me, letting his legs dangle off the edge. He told me about how one of our stylists almost got a heart attack seeing me so close to the edge and I chuckled.

"What are you thinking about?", He suddenly asked. My eyes turned to him, not really surprised he could tell when I was pondering about something. We first met years ago when they were predebut and when I became a trainee at BigHit after a trainee exchange with JYP. It was how I met all of BTS. Even with their busy schedule with preparations for debut, we always managed to chat in the halls or grab lunch together.

"The stuff you said earlier", I mumbled. I hugged my knees and tucked my head in between. "We are aware of the risks of suddenly adding another member but we're confident that they'll bring much luck to our group", I quoted his words.

"You know the risks, this could make or break your careers. Yet you still want me in the team", I told him. "Am I worth it?"

Namjoon sighed running his hand over his face. "We're gonna do this again?" It wasn't the first time I had questioned something like that. From the moment I saw BTS I knew they had great potential and was rooting for their success. When I first heard the draft for I Need U, I had a feeling that this was the song that would make it for them, so I helped them in improvements and even helped record a demo, all while still training.

"You do know why we wanted you to join BTS right?", He asked. I hesitantly nodded. "Yeah, you said something about my vocals and how--"

"I mean the real reason", he cut me off. Confused, I shook my head.

"When you pulled together the first Melody of I Need U, I knew you were special. You have this way of thinking that gets people by surprise like the way you suggested the lyrics for the second pre chorus. The message and metaphor were incredible. Not to mention your amazing vocals, dance and rapping. Marin, you're a whole package", Namjoon went off. I found myself unable to speak hearing his words.

I suddenly chuckle. "It's too bad I'm a girl, huh? This would be much easier if I was a guy."

"Marin we don't care if you're a boy, a girl or even a moose." I gave him a weird stare. He chuckled, "My point is, it's your talent that matters. And if the media has a problem with you just because you're a girl well, they have just have to get with the times."

I was still uneasy. "But a group of 7 boys and a girl? Think about the controversy", I said now becoming more worried.

"Why listen to their assumptions and rumors? Only we know what's true and what isn't. It's our life after all", he replied. Just then a staff member called for Namjoon. He gave me his heating pad for me to use and stood up. "I know you're afraid, to be completely honest we're a little nervous too. But we will go through it together. You are a part of Bangtan now."
The feedback from I Need U was mostly positive. Of course their was the backlash but the boys made sure I didn't read a lot of them. We stood on the SBS stage, waiting for the results.

"And the winner is..."


The crowd cheered loudly but we stood there in shock, not believing what we had just heard. Namjoon took the trophy from the MC and that's when it slowly started to sink in. The smiles started to grow on them and other groups started to congratulate them. I though seemed to be stuck in my place. I Need U started to play for our encore stage and only then did it dawn on me on what was happening. Taehyung jogged up to me and engulfed me in a side hug when I attempted to sing my part with my shaky voice.
More wins kept coming and everytime I was an emotional mess on stage. After the first win the boys brought it upon themselves to buy me a bouquet of flowers everytime as they believed I was the reason to their success. As much as I protested them not to, saying it was mostly them, another bouquet of hydrangeas is given to me. I could've opened a flower shop at that point.

"I told you you'd bring luck", Namjoon had whispered in my ear in the cinema where we watched Fantastic Four together with ARMY.

I smiled.

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