.oppa catcher.

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Requested by Cupidmomo16

Summary: oppa catcher in the act

Oppa catcher. The title was given jokingly by ARMYs which later spread to K-media. They noticed how well and playful Marin acted with other male idols, agreeing that the nickname was suitable for her. In other words Marin was the female Heechul of the K-pop industry. Even when she isn't trying, celebrities can't help but swoon over her whether it'd be her beauty, talents or personality.

Marin was chosen to MC at an upcoming music concert, and fans were more than excited to see her host the show. The BTS members were no doubt ecstatic to watch her show off her professionalism.

When Marin emerged from behind the big screens along with the two other MCs, to say that everyone was in shock was an understatement. The boys who had already seen her as she was getting ready back in their dressing room clapped and hollered proudly at their goddess member.

The concept for Marin was "Thumbelina" and she was definitely pulling it off well. The puffy white short dress she wore along with her soft makeup gave her an innocent pure aura.

A fansite was recording the artist section as the MCs were about to introduce the next act. Marin was currently speaking, making sure she balanced the amount of times she looked at the speaking cards and to the camera.

It was such a big event that there was no doubt Marin was nervous. So nervous that she accidentally read too fast and stuttered at her sentence, letting out a little frustrated squeal.

The fansite caught the reactions of all the other artists at Marin's mistake. BTS laughed at how cute she was. It was faint, but you could see Monsta X's Wonho clutch his chest as he mouthed to his member about how adorable she reacted. Even some girl groups like Mamamoo giggled amongst themselves at her cute stumble.

BTS attended ISAC 2016. Marin wasn't a big sports person but participated in ribbon dancing, something she's always wanted to try and do.

It was the first day of the idol sports event, where it was track and archery. All the groups huddled in the middle of the indoor stadium, awaiting the announcer to call for the next event.

Marin was laying down on her side with her head on Taehyung's lap as he braided her long dark brown hair. She was starting to doze off until she felt someone suddenly kick her butt.

Sitting up startled, she was ready to throw hands before she saw who was the culprit. Marin jumped up and excitedly threw her arms around the GOT7 member.

Back when she was a trainee in JYP, she became close friends with Jackson, Youngjae and JB. It was an emotional parting when Marin was transferred to BigHit. They were extremely happy for one another when they debuted. Last year backstage at a music show they were able to reunite and since then they kept in touch.

BTS watched as their sister was dragged away by GOT7 as she was introduced to the other 4 members. Fansites who were there caught the stares BTS were giving Marin as she kept playing and laughing with the other boy group.

It was still half an hour before the next event. Yugyeom had jokingly suggested that they raced down the empty track while carrying another member on their back. Marin was very down to the idea and before they knew it, three pairs were at the starting line.

GOT7 were fighting on who to carry Marin as she was obviously the lightest. After Marin convinced them to settle it with rock paper scissors, Jackson was the one to give Marin a piggy back ride.

Fans watched in enjoyment as Jinyoung, JB and Marin were carried down the track by Youngjae, Mark and Jackson. The tactic of carrying Marin as she was the lightest was proven effective as Jackson got to the end first. Even with the jealous stares from BTS, they stood by the track laughing and clapping at the mini race.

.fight me.
KBS Song Festival was coming to its end and all the idol groups huddled together for the new year's countdown. They were given silly headbands and these fluffy balls attached to sticks to wave around. BTS weren't so sure how they were supposed to be used, but Marin was quick to play with them.

She took another stick from Jungkook and waved them around like batons. She punched and spun it around following the beat of the music playing through the sound system.

EXO was standing close by and caught Marin waving her sticks to the crowd. Baekhyun who was the closest chuckled to himself. While looking around, Marin saw Baekhyun's eye smile towards her. Raising her stick up, she pointed it towards the older male and gave him a mid-air warning jab.

Seeing how she was challenging him to a duel, Baekhyun grabbed a similar stick that Suho was holding and dropped to a fighting stance, holding his stick towards Marin. Without hesitation, Marin got into the same position and the two began clinking their sticks together as if they were sword fighting.

The two every now and then jabbed each other in the stomach, until Baekhyun had enough and pushed his fluffy cotton ball into Marin's side, causing her to jump and laugh. Playfully frowning at the defeat, Marin lightly hit Baekhyun's shoulder, making him dramatically fall back from the impact.

Re-reading this to edit, it isn't as bad as I thought it was lmao


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