.home party 2017.

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Back when I became a trainee, my main purpose was to sing. I didn't have a lot of experience with dancing but of course it came along with the training sessions.

When it came to dancing, I wasn't the best, nor the worst. If I were to rank myself in between the other members, I'd say I was at Taehyung's level; not a part of the dance line, but still pretty good. Home Party was coming up, and I mustered up the courage after watching 3J's dance practices and asked if I could do a solo dance performance.

"I'm so excited to see you go", Jimin grinned. We were at rehearsals by the medium sized stage in front of us. Jimin, Jungkook and Hobi just finished their sub-unit practice, to which I kept hollering in the audience, and now the staff was fixing up the sound system to get my song going. I smiled back at him and headed up the stage when a staff called for me.

The rest of the boys were sitting down at the audience, Taehyung and Jimin with phones in hand. None of them had actually seen the dance that I and Mr. Song choreographed. All they know was the song, and that already worried them with how slow and sensual it was.

The first beats started to play and I began. My chest was heaving and I could feel the force at my arms everytime I whipped them around, but it was worth it hearing the shocked screams when I bent over and placed my hand up between my legs.

"Absolutely not", Jin laughed in disbelief as I jumped down the stage breathless. Hoseok and Jimin seemed to happily hype and support me as they complement and praise me.

"Ah hyung, she's an adult", Jimin chuckled. Jin tilted his head and went backstage.

 Jin tilted his head and went backstage

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(Hair and what she wore during the performance)

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(Hair and what she wore during the performance)

To say that ARMYs went insane was an understatement. I prayed that they didn't loose their voices the next day with how they shredded their windpipes when I tugged my shirt up a bit.

The performance ended and I ran backstage into the dressing room where all the boys had watched through the monitor. Pats on the back and comments were given as I hid my face flustered. Without noticing Jin crept up behind me and slid his hands around my waist.

"Yah, don't think you can get away with that", he said when he turned me around. He pulled me closer and my heartbeat picked up.

"Oppa, they're right there", I said mentioning the boys and staff who were literally around us as I tried to back away but he held me firmly.

"I don't care. They know your mine", he said nonchalantly and leant down to place a peck on my cheek.

"Exactly, I'm yours. So don't be worried about the stuff I do on stage", I raised an eyebrow with a tilt of my head. Smiling, I went over to the stylist to change my outfit.

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