.kidnap (pt.3).

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Everyone stopped in their tracks.


The man suddenly ran forward and pushed Jin. Immediately Hoseok grabbed a hold of him and pulled him off, wrestling a bit before pinning the man on the ground. The woman was already booking it towards the bedroom but Yoongi was quicker and tackled her on the ground.

Namjoon and Jin ran towards the sound and saw a door at the end of a hallway on their left. Rushing to open the door, they were shocked to saw Marin tied up to the bed barely clothed.

When Marin saw the doors open and saw Namjoon and Jin, she frantically broke down crying. They were here, not even the police, her brothers were here and saving her. They really stayed true to their words that they'd always have her back.

Namjoon quickly pulled off his jacket to cover her up. Seeing that the silk cloths were tied very tight, Jin ran back to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of kitchen scissors. He went back to the room and cut Marin free. Without missing a beat she wrapped her arms around Namjoon and bawled on his shoulder. The leader rubbed her back soothingly, whispering that she was safe now as Jin took off his jacket as well to cover her back.

"Did they hurt you? Are you okay?", Namjoon said in her ear, some tears building up in his eyes as well. "It's okay, we're here now."

Jin called the police. A few minutes later the couple were arrested. Marin had calmed down by the time the police arrived. When a police officer tried asking her questions, she only silently pointed to the desktop computer. She felt ashamed when they turned it on and saw a gallery filled with her naked unconscious pictures and almost cried again, but Jin was there to comfort her.


The car ride back was quiet. Only the soft music from the radio filled the atmosphere. Yoongi drove since I didn't want to let go of Jin. His jacket was luckily the long type and it covered me well until below my knees.

I was starting to doze off before I suddenly remembered something and sat up straight, causing Jin to jump.

"My baby, Heeyoung, is-is she okay where is she?", I asked frantic.

"Hey hey it's okay we left Heeyoung with a staff member she's okay", Hoseok reassured and tried to get me to relax.

"No, no I want to see my baby now", I demanded.

"Marin we need to get you some clothes and the police want to question you--"

"Do I look like I care?!", I raised my voice. Everyone was shocked at my sudden outburst. I squinted my eyes at Jin. "I'm seeing my baby, right now."

Jin sighed while Hoseok tried to persuade me, and suddenly we feel the car turn. We were driving away from the police station.

"Yoongi-ah!", Jin called out in a bit of a scolding tone. Yoongi glanced through the rear-view mirror nonchalantly.

"What? She wants to see her daughter. She has her priorities straight", the driver responded. I smiled gratefully towards him.

Pulling up in front of BigHit's building I jumped out of the car and ran inside, hugging the front of Jin's jacket closer so I don't accidentally flash anyone. I heard Hoseok call my name from behind but I ignored him.

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