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I can't believe I'm doing this--

Sugar daddy AU

"You want me to what?"

Her younger roommate whined as he clasped his hands together. "Noona pleaseeee~"

"That's your own business, man. Why would I want to meet your sugar daddy?", Marin pulled away disturbed. She had no problem with Jungkook having ties with an older man in exchange for money, but she'd rather not be involved in any way.

"He's always wanted to meet you and it's his birthday. Pretty please, noona?", Jungkook rested his chin on his fisted hands and somehow made his already big eyes extra puppy-like. Marin got up from the couch and walked away, knowing well enough not to look into those innocent looking eyes of evil. Jungkook huffed and stood up.

"C'mon, Marin. You know he's not a 60 year old old guy." Jungkook placed his hands on his hips.

"Just because he's only 5 years older than you doesn't mean he can't be a creep", Marin argued.

"I've been with him for 4 months now. We've met face-to-face before. And you don't see me disembodied in a sewage drain now do you?", Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "I've shown you a picture of him! And even you thought he was good looking."

He got her there. Marin crossed her arms in the middle of their living room as she got deep in her thoughts. She doesn't mind this kind of lifestyle some people chose, but if given the choice she wouldn't want to delve in deeper to understand. Jungkook can pay rent and he's happy, nothing else matters.

"Marin, think about it. This could be good for you. I've seen his friends before and," Jungkook stopped to blow a low whistle, "damn are they fine. Think about it noona," The younger one rested his crossed arms on their kitchen counter as Marin made her way to the fridge for a drink. "When was the last time you treated yourself?"

Marin gave Jungkook a look. "The last time was when you got that cotton sweater, right? And how long ago was that?

3 months ago!"

"Kook, I don't have time to treat myself", Marin sighed.

"And that's because you only get enough money from that part-time job of yours to feed and pay basic needs. With the stress you're getting from college it isn't healthy", Jungkook frowned. He's been living with his noona and senior for 2 years now. He's seen her mental breakdowns and all-nighters. She can't even afford to treat herself for an ice cream. She could, but she chooses to save up.

"And not all sugar daddies are like it", Jungkook started. "But you could also get your sex life up and running again."

Jungkook was quick to dodge the flying box of tissues that came his way from Marin. "It's only been 2 months. Tch, you kid", Marin chided. "Are you trying to set me up with a daddy or are you trying to convince me to come with you?"

The younger's eyes started to sparkle. "Will you come with me?"

Marin looked at his wide doe eyes. She turned the other direction and rubbed her temples, actually considering the invitation. Midterms were in 3 weeks, and all she's been doing was studying and going to her part-time job. Sometimes she worked extra hours just to get more money to buy another cup of coffee for her all-nighter. Her body and mind craved for a break and a change out of 4 day old T-shirts.

"Where is it?", Marin exhaled heavily. Jungkook bounced in his spot while clapping happily.

"Bicena Restaurant. Ah, thank you so much, Marin!", The younger one ran around the counter to hug the still timid girl.

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