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"What's up, Marin?", Hoseok asked me wiping his sweat with a hand towel. He and Jimin were dancing and I did join but later on sat down with my laptop trying to continue my short story.

"The girl thinks she's drowning in the ocean but really she's drowning in her bathtub in a mental hospital, but I don't know how to write it out", I pursed my lips staring at my half written notes. "I don't know what words to use."

Hobi leaned closer and read what I had typed out so far, his eyes widen and his mouth formed an O shape. "Duckie, this is really good", he complemented. I smiled and thanked him.

"Go ask Namjoon, he normally helps you with this stuff right?", He asked and I nodded. I picked up my laptop and waved goodbye to him and Jimin who was at the mirror.
It wasn't anything new for me to suddenly enter his studio so with a knock to the door I entered. His back faced me as he was working on something on his computer. Most probably working on the new songs for our comeback, I thought.

"Joon oppa~", I called in a sing song voice. I didn't really expect him to answer as he had headphones in. I skipped over to his side and leaned against his desk. His face was blank and his chin was pushed forward, a habit of his when he's really focused.

"Hello", I smiled trying to get his attention. He glanced over at me and nodded slightly.

"Aww, not even a smile?", I pouted poking his cheek. He jerked annoyed. Pulling off his headphones he sighed, "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"

He never gotten mad at me, so I was shocked by his sudden harsh tone. Maybe this was a bad idea, I thought. His hard eyes didn't leave me as I shuffled in my place.


"I just," I murmured. "Wanted some help on the story I'm writing--"

"You're writing a story", he cut me off in disbelief. "Hey, you know that Bang PD wants music drafts by the end of the week for our new comeback, right? And you're wasting you're time by writing dumb stories. You should be thinking of lyrics and working right now, not slacking off", he scolded.

"And what, you think I was free to help you? You can't just assume everyone has time for you. The world doesn't revolve around you", he tutted and turned back to his computer screen.

I was a fairly good kid when I was young, rarely getting yelled at by my parents. Suddenly getting told off by a raised voice scared me. I don't fight with the members, I very seldom do so, especially with Namjoon, who was usually calm and collected. I think what hurt me more was the words he used. Controlling my shaking, I harshly pulled his chair so he'd face me.

"Hey", I almost yelled. "I get you're stressed and all, and I'll probably regret saying half of these things, but you don't have a right to let it all out on me."

"The world doesn't revolve around you. Of course I know that! Do you think I'm some narcissistic brat? If anything I wouldn't even have come here but you said it yourself, if one of us has a problem we go to each other. You can't say these things if you don't mean them." At this point my voice was starting to break but I never backed down.

"I'll say it now so it'll be easier for the both of us. I'm sorry I bursted in here so suddenly. I should've considered if you were busy or not, as you do so much for this group. And if somehow you want to apologise, I forgive you", I told him using my will power so I don't break in front of him pathetically. At that point I wanted to walk out and slam the door but a part of me wanted him to soften his eyes and realized what he did.

"Are you done?", He asked blankly, like my whole speech was just mindless rant.

I heard my heart broke in my chest. Wiping my runny nose, I said, "Yeah", and stepped out the studio without a second thought.
Knowing the password to the Genius Lab, I slowly opened the door and luckily saw Yoongi busy at his computer, producing music, so chances are he didn't hear me enter.

I had already sobbed outside of Mon Studio in the empty hall, and at that point I just wanted to be in a room with someone without them asking what was wrong. I didn't want to mourn alone.

I quietly dragged myself over to the black leather couch and hugged one of the pillows. More stray tears fell thinking back on the fight. I laid down, not realizing how exhausted I was and fell asleep.
"Rinnie, get up", I was shaken awake and I lazily opened my eyes and saw Yoongi next to me.
Sitting up I saw two Starbucks takeaways. Yoongi took a cup and handed it to me. "It's hot chocolate", he said. I thanked him quietly and took a small sip. He took what I assumed was coffee and got himself comfortable next to me.

"Tell me what happened?", He broke the silence taking a sip of his drink. My heart suddenly picked up its pace.

"What do you mean?", I asked, my voice a bit hoarse.

"You walk in here without even poking my cheek saying hi and immediately sat down and hugged a pillow", he stated. "Not to mention your eyes are a bit red", he then poked under the corner of my eye.

I looked away, my hair covering my face. After what happened, I was too scared to open up, thinking that if I did I'd end up in another petty fight. Yoongi called my name, pushing my shoulder so I'd have to look at him. "Tell me what's wrong."

I sighed and told him everything from the beginning. When I finished I saw his hands slightly clench his cup.

"How is he so dumb, he knows he'll regret this later. Is this the part where I go over to his studio and threaten him?", he asked to lighten the mood. Miraculously I chuckled and held a hand up. "No, don't it's okay. He was stressed and honestly I'm too tired to hold you back from him."

"Either way knowing him he'd find out you're here and knock on the door to apologise." At that moment coincidentally a knock cane from the door, startling me. Yoongi got up and headed to the door but I stopped him, saying I wasn't ready to face him yet.

He ignored me though and opened the door, revealing a desperate looking leader.

"I know Marin's in there--", he cut himself off when he saw me peeking from behind Yoongi's shoulder. Regret was in his eyes when we made eye contact. He looked over to his hyung and asked to be let in.

Yoongi took a step to the side letting him inside. Me and Namjoon stood in the middle of the room and Yoongi sat on his chair, watching him.

"Marin-ah I'm so so sorry I didn't mean what I said I was being stupid", he pleaded sadly.

"Yeah you were stupid", I heard Yoongi mumble under his breath, earning him a look from me.

"Again, it's fine you were--"

"It doesn't give me the right to let it out on you. I'm really sorry Marin. Do you forgive me?", he asked unsure if I would. Even if he was a head taller it was like he had shrunk in size.


"Treat her to some cake and tea and you're forgiven", the eldest in the room suddenly butted in. I shot him another stare but Namjoon seeming desperate for forgiveness agreed. "Deal."

"Wait don't it's fine--"

"Oh no that's not your decision to make. I want him to treat you. Forgive him if you want but either way he's going to take you out for that vanilla cake you like so much", he said more like an order.

"Can I treat you? To be honest I'm kind of hungry as well", Namjoon asked shyly. Finally with a smile I agreed and before we left Yoongi shot me his gummy smile.

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