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"Sorry we're late." Two new seemingly early twenty people walked into the small dance studio. The other 12 teenagers and preteens couldn't see their faces due to the bucket hats they wore but it was clear they were both male and female.

"Oh yes I forgot to mention. Kids, we have two new students joining our class", the middle aged dance teacher told the class. Warmly the kids clapped as a welcoming. "Why don't you tell us your names?"

"Kyung Mari", the shorter woman replied. "Jun Jeonghyuk", was followed by the taller male. The kids were a bit weirded out, it sounded like they purposely made their voice deeper when speaking but shrugged it off when the teacher continued the lesson.

Starshine Dance Studio was a small and simple dance school in a small neighborhood not too far from Jung-gu. They barely get by with the small amount of money they receive from the 25 active students. There use to be more, but they transferred to better studios. Despite the small air-conditioning, dirty broken toilets and small space, they make do with what they can. The kids that still practice there are mostly from families that can't afford to send their kids to the bigger fancier studios. But there was a beauty to the small Starshine school. All the kids and staff get along with each other like family, and for them, they wouldn't have it any other way.

They were continuing their Finesse choreography they learned 3 days ago and the kids were puzzled by how quickly the two newbies caught up to the steps most of the kids had to practice hours to perfect.

"Are you sure this is your first time?", Yuri, a student who's been with Starshine for 5 months now asked in awe.

"Yes", Mari replied shyly, pushing some stray hairs back into her bucket cap. They practiced some more until it was time for duo pairings.

Each duo danced with much enthusiasm. There were some who were off beat a little and there were some slip ups, but it was clear how hardworking they practiced.

"Finally the two newbies, Mari and Jeonghyuk", the teacher chuckled a little bit while crossing her arms. "Show us what you got."

From the very back, they shuffled shyly to the front. They acted a bit hesitant when the song started, but when it was time for them to dance, their demeanor made a whole 180 instantly. The kids were speechless by how flawlessly they moved. The two hit every beat and their moves were sharp and precise. They hollered when they freestyled and they couldn't fathom how smoothly the woman rolled while the guy popped and glided on his feet. There was no way they were new to this, they were clearly professionals.

Everyone applauded loudly when they did their ending pose, whispering amongst themselves in awe at how well they did. The two older dancers waved and bowed politely. Breathing heavily from the intense dance, the female pulled off her bucket hat, revealing dirty caramel blonde hair that cascaded down her sweaty face. The male did the same as he ruffled his faded cherry hair. All the kids went bug-eyed and absolutely rioted at who they actually were.

"2,3. Bang, Tan! Hello we are BTS", Marin and Jungkook bowed to the children. It was barely audible as the students were still processing that two of the biggest idols in Korea were in their studio at the very moment. A teenage girl was on the brink of tears and a preteen boy was slapping himself gently on the face to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"These two had some free time and decided to visit and spend the afternoon with us", the teacher who knew everything from the start explained with a friendly hand on Marin's shoulder. The teacher playfully covered her ears with a cringe as the kids screamed once again, the echo from the walls not helping at all.

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