.kang chulsoo.

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Note: In the Heeyoung AU, Marin doesn't get a new mans, and if you want to imagine that she and another member got together then alright. I honestly just wanted to write pregnant Marin again and give Heeyoung a sibling lmao

"Mommy's tummy is big", Heeyoung comments with her little hand on my 23 week old belly. "It's round like a ball."

I hum in reply. "See this is why you can't eat too much candy, you're tummy will get all big and round, and it'll be harder to play", I tell her.

"Are you really referring to your unborn child as fat?", Yoongi asks in disbelief as he passed by the couch where we sat. I laugh, "It's a good opportunity to teach her."

"My tummy's already like that", Heeyoung giggles while looking down at her big baby belly. "I can play just okay." I lean forward and tickle her bare stomach, causing her to squirm and squeal out loud.

"You wanna know why it's really like this?", I rub my baby bump and ask Heeyoung. Her eyes are wide with wonder. She crawls over and rests her hand and cheek on my stomach.

"Remember when you said you wanted a sister?" Heeyoung's eyes sparkle, already knowing where I was going. Usually a mother would be excited to continue but I was feeling bad.

"Yes!", She answers enthusiastically and I hold her shaking hands.

"You said you wanted a sibling, right?", I ask another question trying to get her to focus. Yoongi sits down next to Heeyoung and try to get her to sit on his lap but she scrambles out and clings on to my stomach.

"You're gonna get a sibling, baby. But--", Yoongi helps in controlling the hyper child. Her grin is wide and her eyes are filled with joy. Guilt bubbles up in me.

"Princess, Heeyoung, it's not a girl", I finally get a hold of her shoulders and press her down slightly. "It's not a sister, honey."

She stops jumping around at the added statement. She whimpers a little as in to ask what I meant. I almost cry out at how all the excitement was gone and was just replaced with confusion.

"It's a boy, Heeyoung", I rub my belly. "You're gonna have a little brother."

She was silent for a minute, her little brain slowly processing the information. I look at Yoongi, who has the same awaiting expression. He looks calmer than me though, my face more to a little sad frown.

"Heeyoung-ie", Yoongi grabs her waist and pulls her on to his lap. "You're gonna be a big sister. Isn't that cool?", He says in a happy tone. Her little fingers fiddle together. A child's mind is unpredictable, I couldn't tell what she's thinking.

"I'm sorry, baby", I pout while caressing her cheek. I know I shouldn't be sorry for something I can't control, but I knew how much she wanted a little sister. How much she wanted to play dolls and dress up.

Her round eyes meet mine. Slowly this time, she crawls out of Yoongi's lap again and suddenly places a tiny kiss on my belly.

"It's okay", she says. "Don't be sorry, Mommy." She turns to my stomach, and I can faintly hear her mumble against it, "Heeyoung-ie still likes it."

"Really?", I ask, genuinely surprised at her answer.

She nods, a big smile on her face. "It's okay", she repeats. She turns to my stomach, and I can faintly hear her mumble against it, "I love you." Heeyoung breaks into a fit of giggles when I couldn't contain my cry of devastation.

"I don't deserve you!", I exclaim and hug her tight. She moves around so she isn't pressing against the baby. Yoongi closes in and admires how Heeyoung responded.

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