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Disclaimer: as the title of this chapter says, overdosing and depressing/anxious thoughts (?) Are mentioned in this chapter so if the subject may be triggering to you, read with caution

Touring. Comeback. Photoshoots. Collaborations. Preparations for our stadium tour. Interviews...

It had been a hectic few months to say the least. Though no matter how hectic and busy things get, BTS do not complain. It was a small price to pay for being one of the biggest groups at the moment.

They had taken a month or two break so it should be no surprise to have schedules and projects thrown into their faces the moment they return. About two months; plenty of time to recharge and level themselves mentally.

Marin has been in the idol industry for about 5 years now. She knows how to handle her stress and identify her limits. It's what she tells herself; you're a professional, it's a lot, but you can handle it. You've done it before, you can do it again.

Yet these days she finds herself restless, staring up at her dark ceiling until finally blacking out at 3am. She became more observative of herself, making sure she does and shows her best. Before Marin knew it became stress.

It started with little things such as her breakfast waffle not being cooked right, the outfit she planned didn't work or a small disagreement between the boys. Marin always pushed those problems aside and forgot about it because as mentioned, they were just little things. She didn't realise she was actually piling it all up until she snapped.

Marin sat next to Namjoon as they were being interviewed for a radio show. The other boys were taking their sweet time in saying their rehearsed English line so Marin had blanked out a little. She snapped back into reality when she noticed everyone laughing so she discreetly started to chuckle along.

"Man, must be a handful for you being the only girl, huh?", The interviewer gestured to Marin.

"Must be handful for you being the only girl, huh?", Marin mocked in her head. Oh, how she hated that question. Not only because it was sexist, it was also heavily reused in every American interview they have gone to. Was it that hard to think about different topics to ask us? Marin mentally complained.

"What a great question, Mark. Thank you for that. Never been asked that question before." If you looked into it deeper, you could tell Marin was being sarcastic, with the way she smiled and emphasized her words. Otherwise, it would just look like she was just being overly sweet.

"It is no big hassle being the only girl in the group. We do have female staff members with us", Marin answered. The ARMYs in the crowd easily noticed her satire and started to holler and cheer. The boys laughed and clapped along flusteredly.

"C'mon, Mark. Give us some good questions", Marin boldly said which made the whole studio riot. Clearly embarrassed, the interviewer moved on to the next question.


"Rin, you okay? What was that just now?", Yoongi spoke up. The group had finished the interview and headed back into their dressing room. Marin grabbed her water bottle and sat on the couch provided.

She knew he was talking about earlier, but was put in a sour mood when it was brought up again, thus not being in the mood to talk about it.

"What are you referring to? Why question me as if I'm currently in a negative emotion?", Marin purposely spoke with the most complex English words she could think of on the spot. Yoongi could only sigh annoyed.

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