.sasaeng (pt.1).

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"Hello, how are you?", I greeted the next fan. He couldn't seem to hold in his excitement as his body physically shook from the adrenaline.

"Marin-ah, can you call me oppa?", The fanboy requested with a wide grin. I looked up to him from his album and smiled.

"Oppa, are you having fun?", I asked him with my tone purposely higher. He squealed in his spot and almost melted.

"You are my favorite person ever!", He told me.

"You're just so beautiful and talented and sweet and funny and--", he couldn't form any other words. I giggled with a blush on my face. I don't think I could ever get use to fans complimenting me face to face even if years passed.

"Thank you", I bowed my head and opened his album. I read the sticky note that I was attached to the page.

"You're starting a fansite for me? Thank you so much! You're the first fansite of mine that I've met", I grinned.

"Impossible. Someone like you must have many fansites", he argued.

I tilted my head. "I've only seen three so far", I answered him. "CherryRinnie; has a nice ring to it don't you think?", I asked him when I wrote my answer to the question that asked me to name his fansite. The fan gushed, exclaiming about my adorable choice.
Since then, I've seen CherryRinnie at every public event of ours. He had a little red flag attached to his camera so he was spotted easily by us. I've seen some photos taken by him and honestly never thought I could look so good. A few pictures have actually gone viral; netizens commenting about how ethereal and unreal I looked. It was great knowing our group name was starting to get more known because of him.

It was our Muster concert in Osaka and we walked down the long stage as we waved goodbye to our fans. As I grinned at the cheering ARMYs, I saw a familiar camera up front. My fansite saw that I spotted him and waved excitingly while continuing to take more photos.

A little amazed by how he flew over to Japan just for this event, I gave a bright smile and posed a bit before running off to the rest of the boys who were standing at the end waiting for me.

"Good job, everyone!", Our manager cheered. A stylist helped me out of my harness as I drunk some cold water.

"Hey duckie", Hobi walked up to me with a towel in his hand, wiping away at his sweat. He complemented at my performance that night and I complemented him back.

"I don't know if you noticed, but that fansite of yours was here tonight", he told me and I nodded. "Yeah, CherryRinnie."

"He's everywhere", Jimin laughed out. "Award shows, concerts. I always jokingly bet with Taehyung saying he'd be there and I'm right everytime."

After we changed out of our stage outfits and back to our comfy ones, we went through the backstage exit and to our van. It was a bit of a walk and I couldn't help but feel like eyes were on me. I looked over my shoulder but Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin were looking down. As I turned my head forward, I caught a glimpse of something shiny from afar. It was a camera, with a noticable flag.

I didn't try think too much about it, as there were other fans who stayed behind to bid us goodbye. But as I thought back on Hoseok and Jimin's words, an uneasy feeling grew in my stomach. Slowing my pace, I walked side by side with Jin, who noticed. He asked what was wrong, but I shrugged it off.
"You saw him at Chile?", Jin exclaimed shocked. I gave him a look of uncertainty and shrugged.
"I know what his camera looks like, it's him." Me and Jin were sitting on the San Diego beach that evening, wanting to enjoy the fresh ocean breeze. Our WINGS tour had started and a thought that had been lingering in my mind was when I saw CherryRinnie at our Chile concert.

"We should report this", the older suggested. I was quick to straighten my back and shake my head.

"He hasn't done anything harmful. As long as it stays that way, there's no need to do anything drastic", I reasoned. Jin wasn't convinced.

"At least tell our manager. They can make security keep an extra eye out."

I sighed and rested my head on my knees. Suddenly I heard the sound of a camera click. Curious, I look over to my right to see where it came from. My heart amost dropped when I saw a man from afar pointing a massive camera at our direction. One I knew all too well.

"Marin?", Jin noticed my sudden uncomfort. He looked at where I was looking and in the corner of my eye I see him shift.

"Let's go", Jin suggested. Standing up, he held a protective hand to my lower back and guided me to the staff who were with us. He didn't say anything about the fansite being there, so we headed back to our hotel, until we heard:


Jin instinctively pulled me behind him. CherryRinnie jogged up to us and faced me.

Not wanting to make a scene, I stepped forward with a fake smile. "Hey, you're here?", I acted oblivious.

"Of course, for you!", He grinned.

"How'd you know I was here?", I asked warily.

"I may have figured out where you're hotel was", he chuckled. "And I've taken great photos. You wanna see?" He stepped forward and went through his camera gallery. He kept scrolling through multiple pictures of me exiting the lobby with the boys. What scared me more was that he wasn't showing any shame.

"You should leave. And stop following us", one of our staff finally stepped in. CherryRinnie seemed to not understand.

"I'm just doing my job, right Marin?", He turned to me. I was perplexed on what to say. Luckily Jin spoke for me. "You're crossing a line. This is stalking."

"I didn't ask for your opinion", the fansite snapped at him, causing my mouth to drop.

"You should go", I get the courage to stay. The way he looked at me showed shocked and betrayal.

"I'm doing this for you. Do you know how popular you have gotten because of the photos I've taken?" He started to sound enraged and it made Jin pull me back to his side.

I wanted to say more but the staff had asked him to leave once more, even threatening to call the police. In a disbelief chuckle, he once again turned to me. "Are you gonna say anything?"

My mouth kept shut.

He nodded. "Sure. Alright." And with that, he left.
I wanted to post this yesterday as sort of a special update for my birthday, but it wasn't finished until now and I just didn't have the writing spirit you know?

Idk how soon part 2 will be published, maybe (keyword maybe) after I update my second half of me and cloudsanddolphins story and a few chapters here but if you know me you'd know I never stay true to anything i saw lmao

Enjoy❤ (also unedited but I'll do that later)


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