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Not an update lmao soz I'll see if I can get one up tomorrow we'll technically today because it's 12:40am

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Not an update lmao soz I'll see if I can get one up tomorrow we'll technically today because it's 12:40am

Tagged by d0youngkim

Full name
Alisya Hanim (technically that's still just my name Hanim is kind of like my middle name? But I don't wanna mention my dad's name uhuks)

15 in November

Uhh I forgot 146cm ish?

Single or taken
Single gasp shocking I know

Favourite colour
I like pastels but judging by things I like for example phone wallpapers I lean more to pinks

Crushing on anyone
BTS counts right? Hahahaha I used to but then dropped that because it's wasn't worth it in the end😔😔😔 I really gave him another shot--

What grade/year
Well where I'm from I'm Form 3 and since u know my age you can compare it to your school system

Any pets
owo I can proudly say I have two kitties :)))

Dogs or cats
I like both but if the question is like which would you own I'd choose cats since ya know I'm Muslim if I could tho I'd cuddle Yeontan in a heartbeat :((

Skipping because I ain't about politics

Favourite TV show(s) ;)
The Return of Superman, The Resident and I'm currently watching Her Private Life

Favourite holiday
Eid al-Fitr which basically is the time after the whole month of fasting (Ramadhan) of course there's the super deep meaning behind the holiday about forgiveness but what we do basically is wear fancy clothing, get money and eat a lot of food >:)

Straight but you know some girls be looking rlly kyut

47-48kg I'm fat lmao


Favourite accounts
I'm assuming it has to be wattpad ones welll I always get excited when -jenbabe updates their 8th member book and mmm cupoftaebae is just an absolute sweetheart :333

Whatever I'm mentioning Instagram ones too I WUV @/yuphorical and @/monophany like their steamy hot chapters are 👌👌👌👌👌👌 honestly that's where I get my inspiration half the time and they're also why I kinda know how to smut lolololol

Some thing(s) I'm good at
• writing?
• singing?
• dancing???
• English I guess, got a weak score for my recent short essay though :(((
• maintaining 47kg even if I've only eaten one thing all day because I pig out at night lmao
• being l-loving...?💕
• being a dramatic bitch
• procrastinating

Some thing(s) I'm bad at
• math
• history (I'm bad at paying attention in class 👉👈)
• being a dramatic bitch
• doing things I tell myself I'll do
• listening to myself sksjdksjsjs
• listening to my friends when they wanna help me sksjskksns


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