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Some YoongiXMarin moments ;D

Run Episode

It was episode 55 where they were doing activities in that house on that hill. Taehyung came back from waking up Yoongi 5 minutes ago but the pale man still didn't come out of his room. Marin brought it upon herself to check on him.

When stepping into the room, her hands went to her hips when she saw him under the covers still. She called out to him softly at first, but he barely nudged. Taking a few steps closer, she started to pat the blanket on top of him like a bongo while chanting in a little voice, "Wake up, wake up, wake up."

She then plopped herself on to him and wiggled about, pulling the white blanket down to reveal his scrunched up face.

"Get off", he grumbled but inside he was happy to wake up to such a pretty and cute face. "I can't breath."

Giggling a sorry, she rolled off of him and the bed, landing on the ground. There she waited for him to get up on his own and together they went out to the living room.

 There she waited for him to get up on his own and together they went out to the living room

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Crystal Snow

They were performing Crystal Snow at their Japan concert for their 4th Muster. On the small rising platform, Marin stood in between Hoseok and Yoongi. As she admired all the colourful ARMY bombs and the paper hearts that fell from above, she caught Hoseok in the corner of her eye swiftly catch one mid-air like some Disney prince. It made her want to do it too.

Focusing on a close paper heart, she leaned forward to grab it but didn't notice how far she leaned and almost dipped down from the platform. Yoongi was luckily quick enough to grab her shoulders and pull her up. Marin held a hand to her chest and laughed, still a bit shook. Not trusting her by herself, the older male held her hand through the rest of the performance.


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Marin fumbled in her seat as she was starting to grow bored during the commercial break at an award show.

Smacking her lips, her head went down and her eyes caught Yoongi's empty hand on his lap. Without missing a beat, she took a hold of it and admired the rings he wore. Yoongi looked away from his conversation with Jungkook to catch his little sister take off one of his thick rings and wore it on her little finger.

Smiling, she slipped it back on and traced each of his prominent veins, completely in awe, as Yoongi was completely in awe of her.
I dedicate this chapter not only for being the 50th chapter of this book, but also for hitting 50 followers. Thanks guys❤️


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