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My body jolted up as I wake up in a cold sweat. The dream was still fresh in my mind. I slapped my chest hard to get myself to breath better, taking in heavy long breaths. I looked over to my wall clock; 2:30am.

Recently I've been getting more nightmares, nightmares that usually keep me up for the rest of the night. I assumed it was because of the stress and preparation for our world tour and thought it would pass. The boys then started to notice how exhausted I looked during practice and how I was wide awake at 3am. When I told them about my bad dreams and insomnia, they immediately offered to let me sleep in their rooms. I declined, but was extremely touched.

Grabbing one of my pillows, I nuzzled my face into it. This bad dream in particular was more freaky than the others before. Just thinking about it again had my heart beating quicker. Every dark corner of my room felt like it held a monster that would crawl out and attack me. The past few days of insomnia really was starting to take its effect on me.

My eyes trailed to my phone on my bedside table. Picking it up I turned it on and go into our group chat. It wasn't impossible that some of the boys weren't asleep at the moment but it felt highly unlikely that they'd be awake after a whole day of tiring practice. Nevertheless I sent a message in the group chat.

Seokjin and his 7 babies

I had a nightmare :((



Footsteps were heard outside and was followed by a short knock. The door opened and Jin's wide shouldered silhouette greeted me.

"Hey, you alright?", He asked and walked to my side, sitting down on my bed. He grabbed a piece of tissue from the tissue box on my bedside table and wiped my forehead and neck. "You're soaking wet. Was it bad?"

Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung came in before I could reply. Taehyung sat on my left side and pushed my stray hairs back, asking how I was like how Jin had. Namjoon and Yoongi stood by the edge.

"Did I wake you guys up?", I asked worriedly.

"I wasn't asleep", Yoongi stretched his arms over his head.

"I woke up when I heard my phone go off", Jin answered. "Me too" was followed by Namjoon.

"And you?", I turned to Taehyung.

"Namjoon hyung woke me up when he read your message", he said. I was already starting to apologize and scold Namjoon for waking Taehyung up at such a late hour, even if Taehyung said he was okay with it.

The distant sound of quick feet on the ground started to get louder and louder and suddenly I was captured in a hug by Jimin who had jumped on to my bed.

"MARIN BABY~~!", He giggled loudly in my ear. "Did you have a bad dream? Awh poor baby", he pouted and held my face with his hands and mushed it around. The smell of soju finally reached my nose.

"Was he drinking..?", I pushed the drunk man away from me.

"Jungkook too", Hoseok's voice added from the door. He held a clearly tipsy-looking Jungkook by the upper arm. "There were 4 and a half empty bottles in the kitchen. Looks like they were having another late night drinking party", Hoseok sighed. He followed up with the question, "You alright, duckie?" as he threw Jungkook forward on to my bed. The maknae fell on his back and simply giggled.

"Yeah, I'm good", I blinked in surprise as Jimin suddenly kissed my cheek. He found amusement in my reaction and dropped down on to my lap having a fit of laughter.

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