.relationship with each member.

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• he cares about her so much
• he sees her as something so fragile and precious to protect
• older brother/father and sister/daughter bond
• they act confident together

• they're also like brother and sister, but more to the side of they don't verbally communicate a lot but they still understand each other
• they really just click in their own way
• the type of brother that would tease her non-stop
• when it comes her mental state (anxiety attacks and depression) she goes to Yoongi the most

• their relationship is like Namjin; not a lot of open interactions but when it happens it's like they've been best friends since forever
• the English duo
• Marin took an online course in Korean literature and mother was an English literature teacher so she is very helpful when it comes to lyric writing
• they go to each other when they need opinions on lyrics

• the energetic duo
• he helped her break out of her shell and be more open and free on camera
• expect them to be laughing their asses off together while goofing around
• he cherishes her like he does with his older sister (maybe a bit more cause she is younger XP)
• he fills the absence of her family

• they're like childhood best friends
• would let her get her way if it means seeing her happy
• her bright smile and laugh is one of his favourite things
• they're both softies and care for the other members
• satanic duality duo

• act like close same age siblings
• they could be siblings goals honestly
• he loves babying her
• reminds him of his younger sister
• uwu

• he has fun teasing her like an annoying younger brother
• but in the end he deeply loves her
• even when he does tease her he'll do a small gesture showing that he overall still cares about her (e.g. brushes her arm, arm around shoulder, side hug, squeezes her hand)
• almost like a mother figure to him
• Marin loves to baby him, she took him under her wing when they were trainees

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