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Being a trainee isn't so bad after 3 years. Your body acts like clockwork with the busy schedule, not being able to have a full proper meal every now and then feels normal and after three cups of tea, I'm perfectly functional for the rest of the day.

My eyes and all my senses woke up the second I saw the time on my phone. I had 10 minutes to get to physical education, and the company was 2km away.

A scream escaped my lips as I scrambled out of my bottom bunk. My other dorm mate who seemed to have just returned from Korean language class jumped back surprised.

"Why didn't Seonmi wake me up?!", I panicked, grabbing my towel and bolting into the bathroom.

"She said your alarm was already going off so she didn't bother", my roommate replied. I could only groan in response.

I arrived at the company's gym 3 minutes late. I apologized to our trainer and had to do 20 sit-ups as punishment. The small bun I ate on the way there was burning in my stomach. Because I arrived late, I had to stay an extra 5 minutes while everyone else left for their next schedule. I didn't mind it too much, since my next session was vocal practice and I ranked first that month.

11am and it was time for dance practice. Once again I was running a bit late because I was fussing when I realized I grabbed my other bag that didn't have my travelling makeup pouch. Even during practices, I always apply lip tint and eyeliner, sometimes I do my eyebrows if I'm feeling it. No one except my roommates have seen me without makeup. I tried asking other trainee friends if they had any makeup on them but the most they had was very light coloured lip balms.

Walking into the studio, other trainees were in the middle of stretching. My eyes caught a hand waving towards me.

"Marin!", Taehyung smiled. Around him the rest of the debuting group BTS stood or sat around him. Grinning, I waved back and crossed my legs to sit down with them.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. I overslept and then had to stay back at the gym as punishment", I sulked. I noticed how they kept staring at me as if something was on my face.

"What?", I asked.

"Rin-ah, you're not wearing makeup", Namjoon stated surprised. I had forgotten all about my whole makeup fiasco. I immediately covered my face and giggling embarrassedly.

"Ah, I was in such a rush that I didn't notice I took the wrong bag", I answered. A pair of arms grabbed my wrists to try pull my hands off.

"No no let me see you!", Hoseok laughed. Another pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I was being manhandled like two kids fighting over a toy.

"Guys~!", I cried out in a laughing fit. Jin then finally stepped in telling the two to stop, and they dropped me on my butt. I opened my fingers a bit to peek through and see Hoseok and Joon smiling like idiots. I playfully scowled at them.

"You don't need to be embarrassed just because you don't have eyeliner on", Yoongi spoke up. "You're still pretty."

"It's not that", I told him. "You guys have never seen me without it so I'm kind of unprepared."

"Well then let this be the first time. C'mon, Rinnie", Jimin cooed. Everyone joined in on the cooing.

Gentle fingers separated my hands and my eyes met two big round ones. I was a giggling flushing mess and he simply smiled back with his big bunny grin.

"예쁜 누나", Jungkook said sweetly. All the other boys started to laugh and holler and I buried my face in the younger's chest.

"Our Jungkookie getting more confident, huh?", Namjoon laughed.

"Ahh see so cute!" Taehyung had pulled me back in my weak state and my bare face was exposed to everyone. He pulled my cheek which I swatted his hand away.

"You guys are too much", I grunted.

*****Sister is back 🤟🤟🤟 with a kinda shitty chapter and uncomfortable mouth because I got a tooth extracted eyyyy hahahahahahaha

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Sister is back 🤟🤟🤟 with a kinda shitty chapter and uncomfortable mouth because I got a tooth extracted eyyyy hahahahahahaha

Quick question: more toward hero fans, can you leave some superhero clichés? Idk any more of them ahahahahha you know for future reference ;9

Also another question: out of all the aus I've written, which one's your favourite? This has nothing to do with anything I'm just curious hehee

Edit: I'll list down the aus to refresh your memory

• coffee shop au (Yoongi and Marin)

• baby au (Heeyoung and Chulsoo)

hunterXvampire au (Taehyung and Marin)

• spiderkook au (Jungkook and Marin)

• soul flower au (I doubt you guys remember issokay if you want to remember again it's the 'AU' chapter)

I think that's all and more to come ;)))


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