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Requested by anon
Summary: stylist is disrespectful towards Marin and the boys
stand up for her

"What's up with that face?"

I looked up from the mirror slowly. The male stylist stared down at me with a judgemental stare.

From other people's perspective I probably looked annoyed and tired, which was partially true. I had stayed up late last night making a demo with the simple draft music Yoongi gave me knowing well we had to be up early the next day. It was how my face naturally ended up when I get less than 4 hours of sleep.

Too tired to verbally reply, I only showed him a tight smile and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep. Apparently it wasn't good enough for him when he responded to it by saying, "Yah, is that an attitude you're showing?"

I wouldn't have mind if it was asked as a joke but the tone he used was far from anything light-hearted. He genuinely felt resentment towards me and all I could do was sigh. It wasn't the first time he acted bitchy to me. I've endured it so far and not told anyone because unfortunately Inhul has been with BTS since debut and have good chemistry with them. Since I came into the picture he's only ever showed me bitterness which had gotten worst. It started with looks from across the room since he used to work on Taehyung but now that he had been changed to me he's been blatantly saying these things straight to me.

"No it is not, but thank you for showing concern", I told him with a straight face. He wanted to counteract, but only grumbled and continued to swipe lipstick on to my lips.

"Girls on your period, tsh. Doesn't give you an excuse to act like a bitch."

"Excuse me?" I asked him with a raised voice. I leaned back away from his brush and gave him a look. He didn't even try hide what he had said. He murmured it right next to my ear as if he intended for me to hear. That was the last straw.

"Who are you to assume I'm on my menstrual cycle just because I'm not smiling your way?" At that point I had stood up and stared straight at the guy, who looked like he was acting innocent.

"Hey hey what's going on?", Namjoon from across the room who was in the middle of getting his hair done stepped in. The other boys also noticed the commotion and watched from their respective chairs.

"All I said was as an idol, she needed to keep a bright expression for the fans", Inhul was quick to answer. My jaw dropped at his statement and almost laughed in disbelief.

"Aren't you quick to cover yourself up", I scoffed at him. I turned to our leader. "I'm tired, you know that. And he's saying I'm giving him an attitude because I'm not sweetly saying hello."

"Namjoon-ah, I've got to hand it to ya. It must be hard for you having to deal with one girl in a group of 7 boys", Inhul sighed with crossed arms, like he's done no wrong. "I need to head to the bathroom." With a nod he left.

Namjoon had to grab my forearm so I didn't run after him in my raging state. "Rin-ah, that's enough", he said sternly. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and pulled away from his grip.

"He's lying. I wouldn't make up a scene for no reason", I told him. His mouth opened to say something, but our manager came in saying we had to leave in 5 minutes. Namjoon looked back at me and I had a look that told him to speak up, but he only said we'd talk about it later.
Despite being exhausted by the
activities that day, our leader still sat us all down in the living room for a group meeting.

"I think we all know why we're here right now instead of collapsing on our beds; one person especially", he said and turned his head towards me.

"I'm sorry am I a burden? Because we can just go to sleep and act like nothing happened", I said with a pout and furrowed eyebrows.

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