.break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored.

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Dedicated to ooozaddy

Hi bby (ㆁωㆁ) how soon will you see this idk so I actually considered your "request" and did this :33 but I'm using my character's name because like I said I ain't condoning pedophilia ಠ_ಠ

Note: this chapter is a work of fiction. The characteristics shown by the characters do not represent how they are in real life

Also don't do what Marin's gonna do which is snatch a taken man yeah don't do that to anyone's bf/gf

Another night, another party. It was no surprise to see Marin Kang at one. Whether it'd be a small barbeque at a sorority or a huge alcohol induced party at popular art major Taehyung Kim's penthouse, she'd be there.

People passed by and say hi to the modeling major, knowing that the party they attended has been Marin approved. She stood by the side as she watched college students dance on the wide marble floor.

"There's my girl Marin!", Taehyung's voice boomed in Marin's ear. Smiling, she hugged him tightly.

"Without a doubt", Marin grinned. He invited Marin to enjoy herself and left to entertain his guest. Her eyes wandered the floor, sharp to catch any small detail.

Fluffy black hair successfully caught her eye. She couldn't help the sly grin that grew on her face.

Jimin Park.

One look at the dance major, and you're already fantasizing fireworks behind you as the both of you kiss under the moonlight. Jimin Park was a snack. Features hand sculpted personally by God himself. Sweet personality that could flip into dark and seductive in less than a heartbeat. Even Marin herself couldn't help herself but stare.

A smaller figure snaked around him from behind, ruining Marin's view and mood just a little. His girlfriend held him at arms length as she chatted with another college mate.

She's popularly knows as Jimin Park's girlfriend, but she's also known as the "New Zealand sweetheart", mostly amongst the students who aren't fondling over the dance major. Once you knew her name, Jennie Kim isn't one to forget.

Girls sigh and envy at how lucky Jennie is to snatch a man like Jimin. Some even go to the length of cursing at her, thinking they'd be more fitting to be Jimin's partner. Marin was not one of them. She'd never think to snatch a taken man's girlfriend, especially when his actual girlfriend is right there.

But damn, when Marin's eyes first landed on Jimin, the wondering thought of how he'd taste never cease to pop up once in a while in her mind.

Marin knew it was wrong to ogle over a woman's man. But art pieces must be admired, right?

Chugging down the remainder of her drink, she walked over to the couple on the other side of the dance floor, happily smiling at them.

Jennie was a modelling major like Marin, so other than the fact Marin was popular at attending parties, the two girls knew each other.

"If it isn't Seoul University's favourite couple", Marin chimed. Jennie and her exchanged a short hug while she and Jimin nodded to each other.

"To be honest we originally planned to go on a little date", Jennie flashed her gummy smile, patting Jimin's upper arm. "But when we heard Taehyung was throwing a party we had to come by!"

Marin saw the disinterested look Jimin had on his face. It was clear he wasn't happy that his dinner date plan was ruined, but flashed a small smile when Jennie spun to face him and planted a small kiss on her forehead. Marin watched quietly.

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