.leaked photos.

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Stupid stupid stupid. How could I have let this happen? Idiot.

They say it wasn't my fault, of course they'd say that; that's what you say to someone who's beating themself up. We were in the middle of our WINGS tour, so we held the meeting in Namjoon's hotel room.

"We have to report this. This is stalking", J-Hope said. The rest nodded but I sat there ashamed.
It was suppose to be a day for relaxation. The boys wanted to swim at the hotel's pool so we agreed to meet up there. Our rooms were high up on the 7th floor and my window was facing just green space so I wasn't worried about anyone peeking so I didn't fully close my curtains. I slipped off my top and shorts and got into my one piece bathing suit and went down with an oversized shirt; normal stuff. What I was not expecting was someone to find out where our hotel was, spot where my window was and take photos. It was uploaded two days later, right after our last concert in that country. They luckily didn't get anything too revealing but you could see some bare side boob. I was the first to find out. ARMY was super supportive and it had been taken down, but too many people had seen it already.
"I'm an embarrassment to this group. I've just been causing problems and drama and I drag you guys into it when you don't deserve it--"

"Just stop!", Suga cut in sharply. I shut my mouth at his distressed and furious face. "Yes you should've been more on guard, yes this was mostly your fault but cursing and beating yourself up isn't going to make anything better."

"Yoongi", Bang PD said sternly but calmly. He rubbed his temples while sighing. "We're going to sue the person and release the statement about it. That's all we can do. Now, we reflect and learn from our mistakes, right Marin?"

"Yes", I mumbled like a child who had just been scolded by their parent. We were excused and I immediately went to my room.

"Rin-ah", I heard Yoongi's voice on the other side of the door after a knock. I opened the door but kept the chain lock in, so the door didn't have to fully open.

"If you're somehow here to apologise--"

"Of course I am."

"If you're somehow here to apologise, it's fine. Forget it. Now since you don't like seeing me beating myself up, then I'd like to do it alone in my room, thank you", I said and closed the door before he could reply.
It was our last concert in England before we had to fly to the next country the next day so we gave it our all. There was still the tension between me and Yoongi that we didn't bother to patch up yet because of the preparations for the concert. I wasn't sure why I was so cold to him as I was so weak and vulnerable during the meeting before. Maybe it was because he knows how I blame myself a lot yet he told me to just suck it up. It didn't matter at the moment as I focused on giving a great performance for ARMY.

"Hi ARMY, did you enjoy the concert?", I asked in English and they all cheered, causing me to smile.

"Now, some of you might have seem those pictures that had been released", I started and I suddenly choked up. Namjoon being able to understand looked at me in concern.

"I'll just say now that I am so, terribly sorry. I thought I was safe and that no one would be watching but I was wrong. I should've known. You might say it wasn't my fault, which is partially true, but come one, who doesn't close their curtains properly when they're changing?", I chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"I brought shame to this group and I promise to be more responsible and wary. I hope all ARMY's who are here and who are watching forgive me. I'll better myself and make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry", I said the last bit in Korean and bowed a full 90°, the crowd 'awe'ing and saying things like "it's okay".

I stayed facing the ground mostly because I couldn't bare look up. I felt myself shaking and tears were already falling. A pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me back up into a hug. Yoongi's scent took over instantly. I didn't bother to move as he rubbed my back soothingly. ARMY cheered supportively as well.

"I'm sorry", I whispered.

"It's okay", he nodded.
I realized that I make Marin cry a lot lol sorry I'll try make them more happy

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