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"Ah, I want to try them all", I whined running my hands through all the different coloured costumes.

"Well you could if you decided to come here on one of your 'full day' breaks, but you never do", Rio sighed dramatically leaning back on her work desk.

"Hey don't say that. It makes me look like the bad guy", I scrunched my nose with a grin. That morning I had a free schedule so I decided to finally head down to Rio's workshop after months of not seeing each other. Rio moved from Thailand to Korea and attended my middle school. We quickly became friends because we both could speak English. I helped her out a lot back then when she was learning Korean and we stuck together even when I was off doing training and idol business.

After high school, she studied fashion designing and is now the second head designer at one of Korea's most famous theater costume workshops. Some musical's costumes that she helped make were the ones in On My Own, Wicked and Dracula.

"It's crazy how much you've accomplished in your life right now and you're only 20", I spoke looking around the room.

"Says the worldwide famous K-pop idol", the brunette rolled her eyes. "You're living a fantasy."

"Oh, it's not all that", I denied and moved to another rack filled with costumes. "Is this--". I stopped to take out the dress. "Isn't this from the Disney movie Enchanted?"

Rio looked up from her sketchbook and nodded. "Oh yeah, yeah it is."

"They had this Korean musical version of Enchanted and we made the outfits. They toured around Korea and Japan. It ended about three months ago", she informed while walking towards me. My mouth hung open at the simple but beautiful dress. The satin of the long pink dress felt soft and a bit cold from the air conditioning of the room. It was an exact replica of Giselle's dress in the beginning of the movie.

 It was an exact replica of Giselle's dress in the beginning of the movie

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"It was actually the easiest one compared to the rest. Don't get me started though on the big poofy wedding dress -- Took us a week straight to make", she laughed and held up the dress so I could see a better view. I couldn't help but squeal. Princess movies were my childhood, especially Enchanted as it was one of my top 3 favourites. It was like a dream come true seeing the dress come to life.

Rio handed it back to me as she went on about the time period when making each costume for the play. I half-listened as I couldn't help but admire the dress and held it up next to me to see its length. I looked up at her wondering why she suddenly stopped talking. They way she eyed me showed she had an idea.


"You know I didn't take pictures of this dress yet for my Instagram...", she trailed off pushing her big black glasses back up the bridge of her nose. It was usual of her to take close, different angled viewed pictures of every costume she made. It helps promote the business and the musical. "Do you mind being my model?"

Once again my mouth hung open and my eyes grew wide. Rio couldn't help but laugh at my reaction. "I mean you kind of have the orange hair so I don't see why not", she pursed her lips. Immediately without a second thought I said yes.

I didn't need to call my company for any approval as the media knew that she and I were friends. I wiped off my simple eyeliner and swapped it with a soft pink eyeshadow and fake lashes that Rio had lying around. While I did my makeup Rio curled my hair a bit and placed the small pink flower crown that the musical also used. As it was a nice moderately sunny morning, we decided to shoot on the rooftop garden, which was wide and spacious and filled with flowers.

 As it was a nice moderately sunny morning, we decided to shoot on the rooftop garden, which was wide and spacious and filled with flowers

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"Yeah now just-- oh okay nevermind. Yep just like that and-- woah". I had to hold in my laugh from the multiple times Rio had cut herself off while photographing me. It was nothing new to model and pose; I'm an idol after all, my life is 90% on screen. Mother nature also seemed to be in a good mood as small gusts of wind would pass by every now and then, giving a good effect to the pictures.

The dress hugged me like a glove from my bodess to my mid-thigh. It then draped down to the bottom, giving it a flowly dreamy look. Not to mention the satin feeling like heaven on my skin.

"Yeah, I think I have more than enough photos. You should model for me more often", Rio smiled while looking through the taken photos in her camera. I thanked her for the complement and took out my phone to check the time. I frowned.

"Awww I should be heading back now". The Thai girl met my eyes and frowned as well but nodded. I was grateful for a friend like her who was understanding of my busy schedules.

"You know you can keep the head piece if you want. I have no other use for it", Rio told me when I stepped out of her changing room with the Enchanted dress in my hand. "The dress too even."

I laughed. "That's okay. What would I even do with the dress? Though if you insist I will take the flower crown", I grinned and picked it up from the desk and putting it back on. She walked me out from the building and we both hugged.

"See you in another 3 or more months", she said teasingly.
"Oh? Where'd you get that?", One of the stylists asked me looking at my head piece when I stepped into the makeup room. I had just arrived to the set of our first You Never Walk Alone concept shoot. I'd honestly forgot about the flower crown and soft makeup.

"Oh, I was helping out my friend Rio. Remember her? The one who makes musical outfits". The stylist 'aah'-ed as she wiped away my makeup to apply a new one. I heard my phone's notification go off and it just so happened to be the photos Rio had taken up on her Instagram. I hold up my phone to show the stylist and she gawked.

"Waah, you look just like a princess!", I suddenly heard Taehyung's voice behind me. Before I could reply he took my phone from my hand and started to show every single member the collection of photos. I tried to stop him but it was too late by the time I got my phone back. The rest of the day the boys wouldn't stop treating me as if I was royalty and I couldn't stop the grin stinging my cheeks.
Enchanted was on TV and I got inspired. Kinda trash but I'll be posting two more in a bit

-ali (yes hello I don't think I introduced myself in this book)

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