.cover up.

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Requested by sugaissosuga

Summary: someone gets a bit carried away

"You're an asshole, you know that?", Marin grumbled at the boy sitting on her hotel bed. He wasn't sure whether or not to feel bad or laugh in her's face.

The tips of Marin's fingers lightly touched the reddish bruise in the crevice of her collarbone. It still stung to the touch and Marin whined at the bathroom mirror. That was a solid hickey. It was clear a few small blood vessels ruptured, causing some darker spots around her already burning red skin. There was no way it could be mistaken as anything else.

Jungkook got up from the bed and stepped into the bathroom, hugging Marin from behind. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

"No shit, Sherlock", Marin hissed. "We have rehearsals in an hour. Hickeys don't go away in an hour!"

They had just gotten to France for their last stadium concert of their Speak Yourself: Love Yourself Tour. They had the morning off to relax and Jungkook had decided to take a dip in the hotel's pool. After he cleaned up he went to Marin's room with the initial plan to cuddle. When she saw him in his dark T-shirt and damp fluffy hair, Marin snapped.

They were so busy with the tour, that all they could do as a form of intimacy was cuddle when they slept. Not even proper makeouts, because they were too tired. Marin's body moved on its own accord and she attacked his lips hungrily. Jungkook's body naturally responded and he had her pinned against the wall in no time. He didn't notice he had been desperately craving for her until he kept sucking on her collarbone. Marin was luckily quick enough to stop him before it got any darker.

"Should I give you one so we'll be equal?", She suggested with a humourless chuckle.

"I don't mind", he whispered in her ear sensually, nibbling her earlobe slightly. A shiver shot up her spine. Marin got out of his hold and stomped to her suitcase, digging through her clothes.

"I don't have a turtleneck damn it. Do you think Yoongi oppa might have one?", Marin said, still rummaging through her clothes. Realising she only had normal cut collars, she threw herself back on her bed and cried out.

"Babe relax, we can handle this", Jungkook spoke up casually.

Marin sat up and gave him a look. Smiling, he walked over to her vanity and dug through her makeup pouch.

"I'll help you cover up", he grinned while holding up Marin's cream foundation compact.


Rehearsals and sound check went on without a problem. Despite covering the hickey up well, Marin wore the highest neckline shirt she had. She danced around and performed in front of ARMY during soundcheck that she completely forgot about it.

The concert was going to start in 30 minutes and staff were bustling about, getting the idols ready. Marin was one of the last few to change. She got into her Dionysus outfit and sat at her makeup chair for her hair and makeup.

"Hold on", her makeup artist suddenly spoke up. Before Marin could ask, the fluff of her white top was pulled down, revealing her smudged collarbone which was starting to show its redness. The makeup artist wiped it with a tissue and properly saw the bright red hickey.

"Oh my God Marin! What is this?", She exclaimed, looking closer. Running her finger over it, the artist looked up and gave Marin a judgemental looked.

The idol cowered under her gaze. "He got carried away, sorry", Marin cringed. "Can you just cover it up please, unnie?" Her eyes were big and full of desperation. Sighing, the makeup artist picked up a brush and started applying some green concealer.

The concert started and went off with a bang. Every time during wardrobe change, Marin's artist would touch up the hickey, making it invisible again. The idol felt like she had nothing to worry about and was relieved she was able to keep it a secret from the fans.

They had just finished performing Boy With Luv and started doing their ments. Their hair, neck and faces were damp and glistening with sweat. Due to the heat, Marin adjusted her T-shirt so it revealed more of her chest.

Marin's foundation was specially made to withstand sweat. When her chest was slightly revealed more, she didn't know the foundation was running, and some redness started to show. She was clueless, happily waving to the fans who started to notice and wonder what was the red mark on her collarbone. As she did her ment, a member luckily noticed and went to pull her shirt back. Marin still didn't know, thinking it was because she was just showing more chest than she thought.

After the concert when they went back to the hotel was when she saw "Hickey" trending in her Twitter feed. Zoomed in pictures of Marin's collarbone filled her screen.

"Fuck", she swore in English. Marin was in Jungkook's room this time. Looking up from his cooking ramen, Jungkook asked, "What's up?"

"My foundation was running. People saw the hickey." Jungkook took a closer look at her phone that Marin held up. He took it and read through the tweets as Marin dug her face in her hands, embarrassed.

"What if it gets to the Korean press? Who am I kidding it probably already has", Marin panicked. The younger one sat next to Marin with a hand on her thigh.

"Hey hey, don't worry. Look", he held her phone up. "Some people actually think it's a normal bruise. It's gotten a lot of retweets and comments too. The hickey doesn't actually look as red. It'll pass overtime", Jungkook reassured. Marin looked up at him with her lips pursed to the side.

"You sure?"


"Fine", Marin humpfed. An idea popped in her head, causing her to smirk. Turning over, Marin straddled Jungkook's waist and kissed him. He immediately responded and the two started kissing passionately. Jungkook laid back so Marin could hover above him, and their lips pressed harder into each other.

Jungkook let out a strangled moan when Marin trailed her kisses down his jaw and neck. She stayed at a specific spot around the space between his neck and shoulder, nibbling and sucking. Jungkook gripped her hips as he felt her bite down harshly but not hard enough for it to be harmful.

A few minutes later she pulled back, wiping her lips as she admired the fresh blood red hickey on his neck, even spotting some light purple. She could even make out the bite she left. Jungkook threw his head back as he panted, fingers travelling up to touch the bruise.

"You said you didn't mind", Marin said breathlessly, smirking.

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