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Requested by KpopAnime___

Summary: boys have a sleepover with the Kangs

(You probably forgot about this request lmao sorry this took forever I was blank on sleepover chapter ideas huhu TㅅT)


Jimin barely dodged the zooming butt naked three year old. The mother managed to huff a quick "sorry" before continuing to catch Heeyoung. Marin had just finished giving her a bath and when she turned to grab her towel Heeyoung ran out the bathroom.

As she followed the trail of water on the floor Marin made a quick turn and saw her child scrambling in Taehyung's arms. Sighing in relief she wrapped Heeyoung's bright pink towel around her and took her in her arms.

"Is someone excited for the sleepover?" Heeyoung tried mimicking Taehyung's big boxy smile. It took some time, but all the boys managed to squeeze in some free time so when Marin asked Heeyoung what they should do she immediately exclaimed, "Slumber party!" She had recently been addicted to those cartoon sleepover episodes from TV and wished to have one herself.

"Don't get too excited that you can't even get into your pajamas", the woman kissed her child's cheek and brought her back to their room where she slipped her daughter into a light yellow night gown.

"Milk", Heeyoung requested, her little chubby fingers wiggling around her face.

"Milk? Baby you had dinner barely an hour ago", Marin said. After brushing her hair Heeyoung ran into the kitchen to sit at the dining table while Marin took out a box of strawberry milk and poured it into a cup. Heeyoung babbled a "thank you" and took little sips.

"Awh yeah baby, you excited for your first ever sleepover?", Namjoon exclaimed coming out from the hallway. Heeyoung screeched happily in reply, almost spilling her drink.

"What do you have planned, princess?", Hoseok asked from the kitchen counter, a snack bar in his hand.

"We have to do sooo many things! We'll play karaoke, we'll eat candy, and have a pillow fight!", Heeyoung listed down. Marin sighed, mentally preparing herself for the sugar rush she'd have to face later. Behind her she could feel the mountain of chips and chocolates sitting in the cupboard. She didn't want to buy so much, but she remembered her pig like group members who scarf devour any snack they find. Truthfully speaking she had bought a good handful of snacks for herself as well. It took both Marin and Jimin (and Heeyoung who was so generous in volunteering to carry the burdensome pack of family sized potato chips) to carry the huge bags from the convenient store down the road back to their dorm.

"Pillow fight? Awh yeah", the 28 year old maknae grinned from the couch. He grabbed a cushion behind him and pretended to attack Jin who was next to him, causing the older one to flinch. Jin snatched the cushion from his grasp and started continuously hitting him. Jungkook fell back on the couch laughing while trying to protect himself. Heeyoung loved when the boys quarrel with each other and was squeaking with laughter.

"I think you should take 'pillow fight' off your list, baby", Marin said to Heeyoung as she cringed watching the two idiots get violent.

"Nooooo", Heeyoung giggled.

"We'll be gentle, noona", Jungkook reassured after Jin stopped his assault.

"And if they aren't I'll protect her", Hoseok declared and literally swooped the little girl out of her seat, swinging her around.

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