.rude fan.

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"Thank you for coming!", I smiled happily at the fan. She nodded shyly before sliding over to Taehyung. He greeted the fan with his happy box smile. While the ARMY flipped through her album, Taehyung looked at me and flashed a quick smile before turning back to the fan.

It was the first time I was facing real ARMYs at our fansigning since I was introduced as Bangtan's 8th member and I was extremely nervous. The boys had to take turns each to reassure me and make sure I didn't run away.

"Hello!", I greeted the next fan. I took her HYYH album and flipped through it. "Are you enjoying the fansign so far?"

"It's nice, yeah", the fan I'm guessing at least a year younger than me replied. Not as enthusiastic as I imagined her saying but I nodded anyways.

"You have a pretty face unnie", she complemented. My eyebrows knitted together at how she phrased it but I thank her anyways.

"Thank you? You're very cute yourself", I told her.

"That's not all that you are right?"

This had me stopping in my tracks. "Sorry...?", I asked her, not getting what she meant.

"Unnie, how long were you a trainee?", The fan asked, ignoring my question.

"Oh uh, I joined JYP when I was 14 and trained there until I was 15. I then got transferred to BigHit when I was 16 and trained there until now. So, 6 years", I chuckled, realizing how long it was.

The fan pursed her lips. "It doesn't show in your performances", she judged and I was stuck on what to say.

"BigHit's smarter than this, they wouldn't add another member so suddenly; a female one at that. Did you bribe them or something?", she laughed dryly. "You can barely sing stable and you sure as hell can't dance."

"Bangtan just started getting wins after years of hard work. You're just gonna pull them back down like the dead weight you are. If you care for them like you claim to in those interviews, you'll leave."

Fansites were recording. I knew this, so I didn't show a major reaction. There were a few people earlier who said a few things similar, but her's was definitely the most harsh. I only nodded while pursing my lips, as I fight the tears.

"Come here~", Taehyung voice suddenly butted in. He was lying on the table with a cute pout tugging at the fans sleeve. The fan blushed at how needy he was and slid so she was in front of him, not forgetting to give me a look.

I sighed and propped my face on my hand. I jumped slightly when I felt a light pinch on my thigh. I glanced over at Taehyung who looked at me before adverting his attention back to the ARMY. He'd pinch my leg as a sign of reassurance whenever we were doing anything public like an interview or something like this. I smiled gratefully before meeting the next fan.
"Marin-ah, this was your first meeting with real ARMYs. How do you feel?", J-Hope asked. It was the end of the fansign and we all stood on the stage talking a bit with fans before we'd have to go.

"It was fun. A lot of ARMY were so sweet. I'm honestly surprised I got a few presents", I replied with a sheepish grin.

"Of course you'd get presents!", Taehyung chided. After that particular fan, he had been a bit more playful with me. It made me start to wonder if he heard the other fans before who had said a bad things towards me as well.

"Everyone, I hope you all got to see how lovely our new member is, and that you'll treat her with love and care", Taehyung chimed into his mic while the rest of the members agreed and said similar wishes. Right as we got off the stage, the brunet ran to my side and held my hand tight.

"Fans can be mean, but it doesn't matter. You have us", he told me and pecked the top of my head.
Kinda bad oof. I knew I couldn't just post one chapter after not updating after a while so here ya go

Keep doing your stuff with voting and all♥

Lol I'm bad at these author notes

- ali

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