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Some NamjoonXMarin moments cuz fluff has been long overdue ;9


Ice skating

Marin had zero experience with ice skating, so hearing that the next Run episode games were going to be on ice, it was both thrilling and scary. The staff was setting up so in the meantime the boys strapped on some skates and decided to play around for a bit.

"Just keep your knees bent and-- there, you got it", Namjoon assured her and slowly let go of her hands as she stood wobbly like a baby giraffe taking its first steps.

"No no, don't let go!", Marin squealed, staying frozen in her awkward mid-squat position.

The leader laughed at the struggling girl. "Come to me", he urged and skated backwards, hands out.

With a nervous laugh, Marin does progressively start to move towards him, and everytime she was an inch away from him he moved further, making Marin whine.

She was starting to get frustrated at him that she didn't notice her knees unstiffen and her legs swooped under her. Namjoon was quick to grab her arms and stabilize her.

"Maybe we should practice another time. For now just hold on to me." The both of the laughed as they skated back to the sidelines.

" The both of the laughed as they skated back to the sidelines

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It was exciting to watch the boys break gender stereotypes by wearing skirts and fishnets for their Singles Magazine shoot. Everyone looked great but it was Namjoon that really caught Marin's eye.

She didn't know how he was able to rock a corset and lace so well but he did. Very well.

Marin bit her thumb with a smile as she watched him pose in front of the camera. He had such a dominant energy radiating off of him that she had to remind herself that he's also the soft geek who likes taking walks in parks and collects KAWS figurines.

"Woaaah oppa", Marin chimed as Namjoon's solo session was over. Getting complements by one of the prettiest people he's ever met, Namjoon shyly smiled.

"Yes daddy", The younger one smirked and at him. Being probably the only one who understood the context of the sentence, the rapper almost spat out in shock.

He tried to tell her off about what she said, but his tongue would get caught and would laughed nervously instead. The other boys stared confused while Marin laughed at his flustered state.

 The other boys stared confused while Marin laughed at his flustered state

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Tall & Smol

There's plenty of things that RMarin shippers love about their ship, be it how they become the parents of BTS when they're in America or their sweet best friend-like interactions. But one thing that makes everyone go nuts is their height difference.

Namjoon loves small things, and Marin is the smallest and most precious thing ever. Yes, everyone knew Marin was the shortest of all the members, but next to Namjoon, along with her slight petite frame, she's extra extra small. They're a match made in heaven.

An iconic ship moment was during an award show and they had gone upstage to retrieve their award. While Hoseok said his acceptance speech and all, Namjoon had pulled Marin in front of him and held her in place, arms lightly cupping her forearms. Marin didn't really think much of it, as she focused on the cameras and the crowd.

For the crowd, it was such an adorable sight. The top of her head reached his chest, making it the perfect height for Marin to squish her face into his chest should she choose to. And she does. Whenever she can. Pictures of the two went viral afterwards and netizens gushed at the cute duo's height difference.
Yee I'm gonna post some fluff (wow revolutionary) and then back I go on the angst train ig lol


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