.special stage performance.

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While the stylist curled my hair into soft curls, I sang over my lines quietly for the stage performance that I was going to perform with Hobi in half an hour here at Gayo Daejun. It was already noisy enough in our dressing room, with me singing to myself I didn't notice one of the staff coming over to me with a camera in hand.

"Are you excited?", The female stylist ask.

"More so nervous," I chuckled. "This is my first performance ever with one of my members and I'm hoping I won't mess up."

"You won't mess up. You'll do great", she assured with a smile. I got flustered by their kind words and I thank them shyly.

"Ooooh, oppa looks so cool", my lip curved up when I saw Hobi through the mirror that was in front of me. He walked up behind me dressed in his simple black and white suit almost similar to mine, his brown hair styled over his forehead messily.

"Ah no you look cooler", he placed his hands on my shoulders and massaged them slightly. Before this I had planned on doing a cover of Red Velvet's Be Natural for a while and when Bang PD asked us if we wanted to do any stage performance I immediately volunteered. I had asked Hobi if he would rap Taeyong's parts in the song as I thought he would suit it better compared to Namjoon and Yoongi. He happily agreed.

"Okay let's go", the stylist said after messing with my hair a bit more. I stood up and took a quick picture with Hobi before going down the hall to the backstage. The rest of the members were sitting in the audience excited. While the MC's did their speech, I quietly walked over to the single chair that was placed in the middle of the stage. The MC's finally announced my performance and I could feel the camera pan to me.
The music started and I danced flawlessly. It was a bit awkward singing all the parts myself but the backing vocals I had recorded a few days before played so it wasn't too bad. Before I knew it the chorus had ended and I stood up walking down the long stage, where J-Hope emerges from the side rapping his part and together we strutted to the other end of the stage. When we reached the end there was two chairs ready and we danced the rest of the choreography with me singing the English part to the end.

At first it was funny to think of J-Hope doing such a girly-sexy dance but somehow he made it his own. The song finally ended with me and him sitting back on our chairs with one leg crossed over the other. I leaned my head back a bit to rest it on his right shoulder. The crowd roared as the lights dimmed, giving us the chance to exit the stage and go down to the rest of the boys as the stylists thought we didn't need to change out of our suits.

We got complemented from other groups as we headed to our seats and I could only thank them shyly. When we reached our group's Hobi was immediately attacked by slaps on his back. I couldn't make out their jumbling complements as I sat down next to Taehyung who grabbed my hand and shook it excitedly as he went over how cool our performance was.
The night had ended and we were back in out dressing room getting ready to head back. I had already changed back into my T-shirt and sweats as I scrolled through Twitter, hoping to get a clip of the boy's reaction to me and Hobi's stage performance that I knew ARMY had uploaded illegally. I luckily found a clear video and tapped on it to watch.

A fansite had caught their reaction to the whole performance. There were times where they'd sit in awe and suddenly their grin would grow and eyes would widen. They clapped and hollered at our duo dance and applauded like mad men when the song was over.

"Hoseok hyung and Marin were so cool", I heard Jimin say to one of the staff who held was recording. "Now I want to perform something with one of the members."

I hadn't noticed someone taking a seat next to me on the sofa. "Ah, ARMY already posted our reactions?", Yoongi said looking at my phone resting on my lap.

"Yeah, it's going viral", I replied scrolling down to check the crazy amounts of retweets and likes. "Your faces are hilarious."

"You were so nervous before", he said and rested his head back on the couch with closed eyes. "It wasn't evident at all on stage. You did well."

"Thank you", I smiled shyly. We headed back to our dorm where we cooked dinner as a celebration for the success of the Gayo Daejun performance.
I see Marin doing Seulgi's parts of the choreography

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