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"It's okay, we can try again", Marin softly reassured. Namjoon pushed his sweat-soaked hair back and went to grab his water bottle. As calm and collected as he usually is, the leader still gets frustrated at things. He'll always worry when he can't get a step right after multiple times. Marin tries to help him out as much as she can.

"You're getting better, seriously", Marin praised, taking her own water bottle. Namjoon clicked his tongue as he bent over the desk. "You've said that 5 times now. It's okay to say I'm not improving."

"I've been saying it 5 times now because it's true. You are getting better. I wouldn't lie would I?", Marin had been walking towards him and stopped just a feet away in front. Her head tilted to the side as she had to look up to meet his eyes. His 181cm height can be such a struggle for Marin's 162 centimetres.

Embarrassed at how cute she looked, Namjoon cheesed while looking the other way. Marin giggled knowing the affect she had on him. She placed her bottle on the table next to her and massaged his shoulders.

"You're so tense!" Marin was genuinely shocked when she pressed her fingers down. "Someone's stressed." Namjoon didn't say anything in return, still not meeting her eyes. His red ears sparked an idea in Marin's head.

She reached over for the chair behind him and dragged it to the center of the room. Namjoon watched her confused as she left it there and walked over to her phone. She looked up from its screen. "Sit", she ordered.

"What's this?", He couldn't help but chuckle. Marin grabbed his wrist and pulled him to sit down. Namjoon was nervous, but at the same time a bit excited and he wasn't even sure for what.

Marin placed her phone back down as the first few notes of Beyonce's Dance For You filled the room. She walked slowly towards the older male who looked still confused but with anticipation.

"Two rules", she started. She strutted passed him, her finger quickly tracing his jawline then flicking her finger off. "One, no sound."

"Second," Her hands roamed down his chest from behind him. Namjoon's breath turned shaky as Marin bent down so her lips were by his ear. "No touching unless I make you. Clear?", She asked, her nose trailing up the side of his face. Marin could feel the shiver that passed through his body. He answered a nervous 'yes' and Marin got to work.

"What's all this for?", Namjoon let out a antsy breath. He thinks he could hide it all behind his big shy smile.

"Look at you already breaking rule number two", Marin tittered. She had made her way in front of him, his eyes big looking up at her. Marin bent down, purposely shrugging off one side of her jacket so it'd expose her bare shoulder as she playfully bit his earlobe. "It's been a long day. Why don't I help you unwind?"

Marin's hands went to his knees and separated them, giving her space to stand in between. As the music played in the background Marin followed the beat and slowly moved her way down, moving her lips nice and slow. Namjoon tried to cover his face but the younger girl grabbed his hands and held them down, saying she wanted to see his face.

In a beat she suddenly rolled her body up to him as she stood back up, her face dangerously close to his. Her hips rolled just a centimeter away from his groin, and right next to her face did she hear Namjoon whimper a small moan. She let it slide, biting her bottom lip not to accidentally chuckle out loud.

Marin had turned around and started moving her ass side to side smoothly. A beat dropped and she bounced in her place slightly, her ass lightly grazing something that felt like it was starting to grow.

"Hard for me already, daddy?", Marin teased, her voice deep and sultry. Namjoon's face looked conflicted and exhausted from trying to hold back from any action. His deep eyes held desperation and very heavy lust. His skin glistened with sweat as he tried to pull himself together.

Marin faced him again, sat on his left thigh and started riding it. Namjoon literally almost choked at the sudden bold act. His fingers itched to touch the slender body he so much craved for. If it wasn't for him choosing to be so obedient towards her rules he would've done her on the ground then and there.

Shrugging off one side of her jacket, she held out her loose sleeve over to him. The rapper took a hold of it and Marin spun smoothly out of it, leaving her in her Puma sweats and work out bra. Marin took a few steps away from him and started to freestyle. The music and her body were one as she rolled on her knees and humped the ground. All with a devilish grin on.

Marin once again took a seat on Namjoon's bothered lap, her back against his chest. She took his sweaty hands and guided them over her body. She didn't leave one spot of her body untouched by his big hands. She felt his fingers twitch when she teasingly held them over her womanhood but she pulled away before they could get the chance.

"Oh god", Namjoon moaned, leaning his head back, his sanity close to slipping away. "Marin please." His thick lips made contact with her shoulder blade, sucking and kissing. She allowed him to savour the taste before she got up, taking her jacket and slipping it back on.

"Okay, are we all relaxed?", Marin's personality flipped entirely. Her eyes instead of lust now held an innocent sparkle and her hands that just teased Namjoon to the core were clasped together as she smiled like she had not dry humped him 5 seconds ago. The older male was starting to come out of his daze and was puzzled at her sudden change of emotion.

"If so then from the top at the second 5", Marin told, turning away to grab her phone to play the song they were practicing before. Not even 3 steps away Marin was pulled back and was met with hungry lips on her own. She mewled in surprise as her jacket was thrown off of her. Hands on her thighs picked her up and headed towards the table at the back of the practice room.

"You think you can just leave me all hot and bothered? Oh no", Namjoon's voice chuckled darkly. He sat Marin down on the edge of the table and pushed her back so he was hovering over her.

"You're gonna help me."

If it wasn't obvious idk how to write lap dances haha

I have another short oneshot I wanna write but idk which member to do so comment here who should I do

Love y'all ùwú❤️


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