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Spiderkook AU where Kook is Spiderman and Marin is a senior in high school

Spiderkook AU where Kook is Spiderman and Marin is a senior in high school

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"Oh, you're wearing pants. Is it Thursday already?", My classmate Jimin goes as we walked out of school. I had changed out of my skirt into a pair of soft tracksuits, I do it every Tuesday and Thursday.

"Meeting lover boy again?", Namjoon cooed and Hoseok beside him started making kissy noises.

"Ha ha very funny", I laughed with no emotion. "He is not a lover boy thank you." I had turned around and started walking backwards so I could face them as I talked.

"You don't have to be so shy. When will we get to meet him? Gotta give him that father-like talk", Taehyung joked. I rolled my eyes as we already reached the entrance of the school. I gripped the straps of my bag closer.

"You'll never meet him! Now don't try following me again!", I waved goodbye and started to skip out of school.

For ten minutes I walked away from school, then turned left to the main busy road filled with shops and stalls. Many kids from my school could be seen hanging out with friends. I was about to head into the little convenient store I usually go to until I smelled something delicious.

"Fresh lamb skewers! Would you like some, miss?", The middle aged woman asked me as she flipped another skewer. I couldn't help but drool at the yummy food.

He'd like it, I thought. I nodded and asked for 8. I thanked her with a bow and entered the 7Eleven with the hot lamb skewers in hand.

"Ah, hello dear", the grandpa who worked there greeted warmly. I returned his greeting while heading to the back and grabbed what I always get.

"Banana milk again? You should try something new", he teased while scanning them. I shook head, saying that maybe I would another day.

"Don't tell me you're drinking all of this by yourself", he said as he handed me my change.

I chuckled. "No, Grandpa. I'm sharing this with a friend", I smiled. I waved goodbye and headed down the road some more. I finally reached the fairly popular internet café.

Upon entering, about half the tables were already accommodated by mostly guys. I even saw some familiar faces from school. The worker greeted me and I nodded my head towards him. Following the wall behind me, I made it look like I was casually looking around until I got to the back. Pushing the exit door open, I start jogged up the stairs to the roof.

It was never locked, so I opened the door with ease. The fast wind was first to greet me. I placed the food and drinks down by the edge as I whipped out a hair tie to hold back my crazy hair flying in the wind. Sitting down with my legs in front of me and back against one of the built in potted plants, I took out my earphones and listened to music as I waited for him.

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