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It was a regular day of practice for us in the practice room. This particular day like some others we connected the mics to also work on our vocals as we danced. At one point I heard Jin try hit a note and when we finished the song I went up to him and gave some advice on how to sound clearer and hit that key. He always found me helpful when it came to vocals, and tried his best to copy my instructions.

"Seriously are you sure this is working?" Jin was calm and patient at first but after multiple tries he was starting to get aggravated.

"Yeah just puff your chest and you should feel some pressure in your head", I explained. He sang another note, but it just wasn't what I was expecting.

"Marin this is ridiculous you said you'd teach me it, sounds exactly the same!"

"Hyung relax", Hoseok said, his eyebrows furrowing. I held a hand up saying it was fine. It was Jin; he always exaggerated so I didn't think much of his little tantrum.

"I told you oppa my trainee friend has a similar voice with yours and it worked", I told him with a soft tone in hopes it'd calm him down.

"Well I'm not your friend am I?", Jin decided to show some attitude and I had to take a bit of a double take.

"Excuse me I'm not comparing you two I'm saying that you can get this right", I raised an eyebrow at him, showing the same amount of sass. "If you want to stop you can just say so." Jin shook his head, saying he still wants to go for it.

He tried again, I still said it wasn't the right key. He tried again, nearly but just not there yet. On the next try, his voice accidentally cracked. I jumped at his sudden yell.

"Hyung honestly it's not a big deal", Yoongi called from the sidelines. I started feeling guilty and truthfully a bit scared. Jin rarely got upset and it felt like it was because of me.

"You know we can just stop--"

"Just stop!", He shouted. "Why did I trust you? God I look like an idiot now!" Jin raised his hands to swipe at the air in his usual tantrum like style. Something in my body made me think he was going to hit me and on impulse I took a small step back as my shoulders jumped. The atmosphere went thick. In the corner of my eye I saw Namjoon step forward like to step in if something aggressive was gonna happen.

Jin's hand was hovering in the air, his eyes on me that were shocked at my reaction. "Did you think I was gonna hit you..?", His voice asked small and hurt. Panic struck in me as I tried to respond but my breathing got caught in my throat. Everything started to feel sore and my eyes stung with tears. All I saw next was Yoongi's figure in front of me.

"She's having an anxiety attack. Jin hyung leave the room for a second please", Yoongi asked of him, caressing my face and pushing my stray hairs behind my ears in a comforting manner.

"What do you--"

"Hyung please she's stressed out because of you just step out", Yoongi repeated sternly but in a levelled tone. Jin got escorted out I think by two other members, I wasn't sure. Yoongi and Taehyung stood by me and helped me through my anxiety attack and eventually I was leaning against Jungkook's chest controlling my breathing.

"Feel better?", Jungkook softly asked, stroking my back. I nodded my head, drinking my bottle of water that Jimin helped take for me.

"Jin can come in now", I gulped my water, putting my bottle down and hugged my knees.

"You sure, Rin?", Yoongi crossed his arms, staring unsurely. I knew he was only looking out for me. Yoongi sighed when he saw me nod surely again and went to the practice room door.

Hoseok and Namjoon came in first, and behind them a sheepish Jin came through. His eyes met mine and was filled with much regret. He stood about 3 feet in front of me, probably afraid he'd trigger something again.

"Angel you know I would never try to lay an aggressive finger on you. I'm sorry I scared you..."

"No no I know you wouldn't hurt me. But I was afraid with how angry you were. I thought you were mad at me", I mumbled the last bit shyly. Jin sighed heavily and looked at me with a face that told me I was far from being right.

"Can I come closer?", Jin asked for permission. I tilted my head to the side with a little lopsided smile. He walked closer and crouched down in front of me, cupping my face.

"Do you think it's possible for me to get angry at a face like this?", He asked and squished my cheeks causing my lips to pucker out. I swiped his hands away, laughing at his ridiculousness. His eyes crinkled with his with grin and leaned in to hug me which I happily accepted.

"I'm sorry again angel. I never want you to feel scared of me", he said again. I replied with a simple "Okay" and patted his back. All the guys playfully cheered and clapped. Jin swiftly hooked his arm under my knees and picked me up bridal style, spinning me around until I was practically crying for him to stop.

So I went with Jin in the end despite most of y'all asking for Tae soz 💀 looking at the context of this chapter it makes sense since Jin exaggerates his hand movement alot

Not super happy with this ngl I just wanted to put the Instagram "BTS when you flinch" point and can't write  fillers 🗿🗿🗿

Also I hear yall hard stans and I do want to feed y'all but I just don't know how to smuttt on one hand I want to dive straight into the dirty but it'll seem emotionless for me and on the other hand it feels too dramatised if I put context? I'm complicated ik🤟

So idk comment what you want in a smut ig (nothing too weird pls I'm still a child)? It might take me a week to get it done because of school or just a day depending if I like the imagine enough and feel horny-- dEtERmIneD heHEh enough to do it


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