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It was going to mark a whole year since me and Taehyung revealed to the public that we were a couple. We started dating 2 years before but waited to tell the media. Other than the delusional fans who still strongly believed Taehyung and Jungkook were a thing and bashed me for "ruining their ship", everyone else were so welcoming and supportive.

We aren't those couple who flex every time we're on screen together. We still stay professional. Besides, other than lovers, we were best friends. Since opening up to the public, nothing much changed with how we acted other than the fact we were more comfortable and that Taehyung could kiss me on the cheek whenever he pleased.

For our concert that night my stylist wanted to style my hair in some braids. Hearing so Taehyung immediately jumped out of his seat and said he wanted to help. He wasn't even done with his hair and makeup, but was still persistent on doing my hair, so while he braided his makeup and hair stylist stood on each of his side's doing their jobs.

Taehyung finished his parts, and after my hairstylist pinned and touched them up a bit, Taehyung cupped my cheeks from behind and cooed, "My baby's so cute!" I cheesed at his words.

"Alright alright now go sit down and get ready. Poor unnies have to raise their arms more because you're standing up", I squinted with a pout. His stylists laughed saying they were fine but I was shooing Taehyung away to his seat.

He held a hand to his chest and gasped dramatically. "My girlfriend doesn't like me anymore", he whined and sulked. I rolled my eyes and got up to grab my jacket. I didn't pass the opportunity to pinch his cheek while passing behind him.


The familiar loud cheers of ARMY filled my ears as the big screens split open and we performed Idol. It was like the more shows we performed the better they got. The cheers and screams of fans fueled my energy that allowed me to show them my all, making sure this moment felt like a surreal dream when they leave.

Before I knew it I was at the center of the stage with Jimin ready to sing the bridge of Love Myself. Taehyung was standing on my left holding my hand tightly. As I squeezed his hand I faced Jimin and we sang the high note together with perfect harmony. I had leant back a bit to get that right pitch and I felt Taehyung's hand move a bit. ARMY screamed at the top of their lungs and I grinned happily. I turned to my left to look at Taehyung and was shocked to see him kneeling on one knee, a small box with something glistening poking out.

He still had his strong grip on my hand, but I pulled away hard to cover my gaping mouth. Jimin jumped on my back almost bringing me down but I couldn't care less, my eyes too focused on the man down in front of me.

Jin was singing his line in the background, and Taehyung mouthed along to the lyrics like he was singing them to me. You showed me I have reasons I should love myself.

Jungkook didn't continue his line, only the music was playing in the background. I didn't even notice the other boys had surrounded us with huge grins.

"The me of yesterday, the me of today, the me of tomorrow", Taehyung quoted the Love Myself lyrics into his mic, panting with adrenaline. "I'm learning how to love myself, and I want you to be a part of that journey, every step of the way."

I couldn't even see him clearly at this point. My tears were blurring my vision. If it weren't for Jimin and Hoseok gripping at my shoulders, I would've been on my knees crying.

"Kang Marin, will you marry me?"

My hands covered my red crying face, but I nodded my head so quickly. The screams from the fans were almost muffled from my little sobs. I felt arms being wrapped around me and I hugged him back, burying my face into his chest. It felt like people were jumping around us, and I heard some faint clapping close to my ear.

Taehyung pulled back and dipped down to get a look at my face. I moved away from him, not wanting him to see my messed up face. The music had stopped and the arena was filled with excited ARMYs cheering. I finally tilted my head back, flicking away my stray hair and fanned my red face. Taking a look at me Taehyung laughed and hugged me again and I only tiredly smiled.

He took out the ring in the box which was a single small diamond with leaf designs on each side. He took off my ring that I was already wearing on my finger and slipped on the engagement one that fitted perfectly.

"Wah", Namjoon awed in his mic softly. "Taehyungie's a man now, guys."

I chuckled and weakly held up my mic. "Did you guys know about this?", I asked the other boys.

Jimin proudly held his hand up. "I was one of the first to know! I even helped him pick out your ring." The audience "awed".

"Marinnie how do you feel right now?", Jin asked and I sighed heavily.

"Still in shock. It feels like a daze", I grinned and looked up at Taehyung for a second and he smiled brightly. I faced the crowd, held up my hand with the ring and went, "He proposed to me" in a tone of disbelief while the fans cheered again.

"Taehyungie how are you?", Yoongi on the far left asked now. Taehyung couldn't say anything. He could only express himself by nuzzling his bashful face into my neck, causing everyone to riot.

I pulled back and playfully scold him. "Yah I'm the one that almost cried on stage why are you acting shy?"

Jin sighed. "This is going to be the wedding of the century", he goes. "I call dibs on being best man!" He immediately called and then all the other boys quarrelled wanting to have the position instead. I laughed, leaning my head back on Taehyung's chest as he planted a quick kiss on to the crown of my head.

Short but uwu 💋💍

My exam literally starts next Friday lmao and I am -whips- not prepared at all️🤟👌✌️🤟✌️🤟👌✌️👌🤟

I brought my books since we're spending a night at my grandparents place but tbh knowing me I'll only do my homework 🗿🗿🗿like #prayforme


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