.kidnap (pt.2).

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"No, nothing", Hoseok replied frustrated. It was almost exactly 24 hours since Marin had gone missing. Namjoon came back an hour ago with no luck, and so they called the police. They said they're doing everything they can to find her, and maybe it's just because the boys are worried sick, but to them it felt like the police weren't doing anything.

"Fuck it, I'm really considering that private investigator guys", Jin who immediately drove all the way home from his schedule in Dasan-dong after getting the call from Yoongi saying Marin was missing said. Since he got back he'd been pacing back and fourth complaining about how there had been no leads except for some serveillance footage from outside a small restaurant that was next to the convenient store. It wasn't much help, since only a bit of the assumed car that took Marin was visible. It didn't have a license plate, so it made things even more difficult.

"It's 2022! They have to have some technology to make this quicker." Namjoon sighed at his hyung. He understood that Jin was worried, but there was no use in complaining about the slow process.

"Hyung please we're all worried but just sit down and let the police handle it."

"If they are handling it", Jin said crossly, plopping himself down on the couch and crossing his arms.

"The older you're getting the more you're acting like an old man", Yoongi commented next to him. Jin took that he was trying to lighten the mood and he talked back saying Yoongi was only a year younger.

Namjoon smiled at the now happier members and looked down at the baby he was holding. He walked over to grab a piece of tissue to wipe the runny snot that was drooling down her nose and some tears that still hadn't dried. It was as if Heeyoung knew her mother was missing and she cried and cried. The boys took turns trying to sooth her but it barely did any good. The only reason she was calm now was because she tired herself out. Still, Heeyoung sniffed and hiccuped in her sleep, her face scrunched up like she was having a bad dream.

"Such a smart little girl", Namjoon said quietly to her, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "You read situations so easy, just like your mommy."

Meanwhile, Hoseok was scrolling through his social medias to get his mind off the stressful situation. He couldn't help but imagine Marin in terrible scenarios, so he turned to his phone knowing thinking about it wouldn't help.

He scrolled aimlessly through his SNS, and he spotted a post. Seeing who the account belonged to, he visibly scoffed and went to block the user until a proper look at the picture had him stop midway. His breathing hitched and his heart beat sped up.

"Namjoon, can I use your phone for a sec?", He asked, already grabbing it from the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Why?", Namjoon asked, bouncing Heeyoung in his arms.

Hoseok didn't reply and opened his phone to the surveillance video the police sent them. He played it until the assumed car came into view and paused. He held his phone and Namjoon's side by side.

"Hyung is this not the same car?", Hoseok asked Yoongi next to him for a second opinion. The SNS post Hoseok had scrolled upon was from Marin's dick of an ex. It was pictures of the back of his car that had been bumped into, leaving a pretty big dent. Reading the caption, the collision caused the plate number to fly off, coincidentally like the car in the video that also didn't have a plate number. "Even the dent is at the same place."

It was hard to tell since the video was a bit blurry, but no doubt did it look similar. Yoongi squinted back and fourth between the two phones. Namjoon and Jin also poked their heads in to take a look as well.

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