.venice (pt.2).

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The 13 hour flight was probably the most uncomfortable and most awkward flights I have ever been on. Hoseok tried to apologize again but I was already taking out my eye mask and facing away from him. It was petty, but I was still hurt by his words. It upset me to think he had probably been saying a lot of this for some time now. When I woke up in the plane 4 hours into our flight, Hoseok luckily asleep, I saw dry tear stains on the inside of my mask.

It was about 6pm Italy time when we landed. Even the taxi drive to our hotel was silent. Hoseok tried starting a conversation but I only responded with nods, shakes, 'yes' and 'no's. While I stared out admiring the pretty buildings of Venice, my mind in a fuzzy state, Hoseok chatted with the friendly taxi driver. At one point I felt his hand lightly take a hold of mine, and I didn't resist.

"Woah", the rapper gawked as we entered the fancy suite. The warm lights illuminated the royal Renaissance-like room. It had two bedrooms, one for me and one for him. They were both across each other from the big hotel room. "This place is so fancy, duckie. You seriously paid for all this?"

"Dinner's downstairs at 8. We're just gonna rest for now", I disregarded his question monotonously and headed for the further bedroom.

"You can't ignore me forever you know", I heard him snap suddenly. By the tone of his voice he sounded frustrated, but he was mostly upset. I could see the annoyed but pained expression on his face. Sucking in my lips I entered my room.

Hours later after a nap, I looked out the window that looked over one of Venice's rivers and saw that it was pitch black with little specks of light from the multiple lamp posts along the streets. Smiling at the pretty sight, I took a quick picture, knowing Taehyung and or Jungkook would like it.

I changed into a kimono styled short sleeved black dress that had some buttons going up its skirt. I worried at first that it was a bit innappropriate with how low the neck line was but I brushed it off and accessorized with a necklace.

Hoseok was standing by the balcony's sliding door. He was wearing some fancy shorts and a button up white top with his sleeves rolled up. I stood there at first, fidgeting on the spot.

He glanced behind him upon hearing my footsteps, and took a double take when he saw me. I was quick to avoid his eye contact and walked to the door.

I heard a deep frustrated grumble. Before I knew it I was picked up and pinned against the wall behind me. My eyes widened as my hands instinctively clutched on to Hoseok's shoulders.

"I was being patient with you but I can't take it any longer", he said. "Marin I told you I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for all the things I said. And no I'm not saying this just because I got caught, honestly if you didn't walk in Yoongi hyung would've beat my ass. I took you for granted. God the hours of seeing your sullen face and knowing it was because of me was fucking torture. I did not bring any form of equipment here because I wanted to make it up to you by going to all the places you planned, so please."

No words came out of my slightly gaping mouth. His bold move had left me speechless and I wasn't sure of how to respond. The mere mention of the event had my eyes pooling up again with tears. Though I want to forget the bad times, I could never hold a straight face bringing it up again if we hadn't already solved it.

Seeing my eyes water, his frown only grew as he set me down, still against the wall. He engulfed me in a tight embrace. "C'mon duckie", I was shocked to hear his voice slightly waver and a little gasp escaped my lips as I felt something wet at crook of my neck.

"Oh my God oppa don't", I was quick to comfort him. I had been crying enough now. His face pressed deeper into my neck thinking it'd get rid of the tears. His back heaved under my soothing hand. "Hey hey, it's okay I forgive you."

"Don't say that just so I'll stop crying", he pulled back and wiped his eyes. They were already starting to redden. His other hand had never left its hold in mine. "Please mean it."

I said nothing as I pulled him in for another hug, caressing the back of his head. "Yes yes, I truly do forgive."

FUCK this is shit like the emotional build up their actions just AGSJSSHJSJSSH

"wElL iF yOu dOnT lIkE iT wHy dId yOu pUbLish iT" well if I just leave it further I'd never get it done and also I said I was gonna post PT.2 next so yOU GET WHAT WAS PROMISED


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