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Comeback was never easy sailing. Sure there was the excitement of showing our fans our new story, concept and music, but it still can be stressful and tiring as all we want is to show a good image and performance. Since it's a time where our productive juice is flowing, some of us on top of practice also works on solo projects.

Hoseok was working on a mini album and I had been helping out with writing and producing a bit. There were times where he'd just be frustrated by all the work, I let him use me as an outlet to get it all out. Though I suggested he just hold it for later in the year, he was stubborn to wanting to do it now. There were a lot of angry fits that I had to sit and watch.

What Hoseok didn't know, was that I had planned a little friendship getaway. Yes were working on our comeback but we were still technically on break. There was the chance that he'd get mad at me about just suddenly leaving the country while he still had work, but I'm persistent and stubborn, and if he still wanted to work, he could easily bring his laptop along.

I had stayed behind after dance practice to show Namjoon and Jin the steps again. The rest had already left to do their own business, including Hoseok. I thought coming over to his studio with our plane tickets to Venice in hand would be a pleasant surprise.

"Italy is so pretty, why couldn't you have brought me along instead", Namjoon playfully sulked and drunk his cold water. I grinned at him while taking out the printed plane tickets.

"He's been overworking himself quiet a bit these days, so a little vacation could be good for him. You're so sweet", Jin commented as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He bent down and planted a little kiss on the top of my temple and I giggled. My excited mood was only increasing.

Grabbing my things, I said goodbye to my group members before skipping down the hall to the rappers studios.

As I made my way closer, I heard Hoseok's voice accompanied with Yoongi's. Ah they were having a conversation I thought in my head. Just before I turned the corner, I heard my name being mentioned.

"Marin's been on my back for the past few days", Hoseok said to Yoongi while leaning back on the couch with his arm supporting his head. "It's really distracting."

"How's it distracting? You wanted her help in making your album", Yoongi commented and Hoseok let out an almost frustrated hiss.

"No hyung I mean, she's been asking random shit like "If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" So I just randomly said Italy because she kept pushing for an answer. She kept asking me what I'd do and what I'd like to see when I clearly just want to do my work."

"When I get upset over a note or something, she immediately goes "aww it's okay don't worry". Don't get me wrong hyung I know she's only being there for support but honestly just let me be upset without any comment about how I should relax. She's been extra clingy and dare I say, a bit annoying."

Before Yoongi could respond, his eyes trailed up and widened when he saw me poking out from around the corner. Hoseok followed his gaze and his whole expression dropped. Controlling my breathing I took his ticket and threw it on the ground in front of me. Just as he stood up I spun on my heel and power walked away.

Stupid stupid stupid. Why did you put so much effort in doing this for him? Why did you have your hopes up? You look absolutely pathetic.

"Marin wait please!"

"Fuck off", I said through my gritted teeth and continued walking. He ran faster and grabbed my forearm again.

"Marin, oh god how much did you hear? Marin I didn't mean what I sa--"

"Is this the part where you say sorry? How it wasn't what it looked like?", I cut him off. I stared him straight into his guilty eyes.

"The only reason you're sorry is because I caught you. If I never came you would've kept talking shit." At this point my growl was faltering into a frown as I started to hiccup but I could've cared less. I wasn't mad at him, I was hurt. I was embarrassed.

"Just leave me alone", I finally sobbed out and ran, not wanting to embarrass myself even more.
I couldn't have just not go to Venice, it would've been such a waste. I booked and planned things to do for 3 days and if Hoseok wasn't going to enjoy it I was sure as hell going to.

Jungkook insisted on driving me to the airport at 10am for my flight when he heard what happened. He pulled up in front of the entrance and helped take my suitcase out.

"Are you sure you want to go alone? I can grab a last second ticket", he asked for the third time. Swinging my hand luggage over my shoulder I smiled.

"I told you Ggukie, I'll be fine. It'd be such a hassle for you", I told him. He still looked unsure but accepted my answer.

Fixing his bucket hat he pulled me in for a hug. Sighing, I rested my chin on his right shoulder. "Be safe okay", he said. "And I said this already but don't take hyung's words to heart. That doesn't mean I support what he said."

My eyes prickled slightly with tears when remembering the incident. Nodding my head I waved goodbye and entered the airport.

An hour later, I collapsed into my business class seat. Sure I've been in business class multiple times, but I didn't have to worry about the upcoming concert that was going to happen to whatever country we were flying to. Besides, business class was fancy.

I checked my messages and saw that all the boys texted me saying to have a safe flight and to buy them something nice from Venice. All the boys but one.

Hoseok didn't try approach me again. It was good, because I couldn't bare look at him. The more I thought about him the more I wanted to gut myself out of embarrassment. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and tried thinking of the bright side. You'll be taking a break from all the testosterone.

Just as I was about to doze off, I heard someone take a seat beside me. My eyebrows furrowed as I see a person's figure moving about on my right. That was supposed to be Hoseok's seat. Even if he wasn't there what weirdo stranger thinks he can just sit next to me?

Before I could freak out about the potential creep sitting next to me, they put down their hand luggage on the ground in front of them. A big green olive bag with an equally big and creepy ass Kermit doll I knew all too well.

Hoseok pushed down his face mask and smiled awkwardly when his eyes met my wide and confused ones.

"Hi, duckie", he said.

I had another scene and more writing planned but I couldn't get myself in the mood to write it so I wasn't happy with it so I'll probably write it into a part 2 next week >:[

On another note there was a whole filming crew at the restaurant I was at just now filming a drama. I even saw an actress I kinda knew from another drama I saw w my mom :0 if I don't see myself in the episode I'm calling a complaint it was hot and warm at the corner we sat at


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