.night club.

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Dark barely lit space. Sweat and odour stained air. Drunks and alcohol sloshed all over the dance floor. Yoongi wouldn't have minded if it was a normal club being with his friends for a normal hang out away from college, but his friends had different intentions for him.

Yoongi jerked into his older friends side as a male worker passed by him with a smirk coming his way. He was barely clothes and his skin glistened with sweat. Yeah, no.

"Remind me again why we're here?", Yoongi called out to his group of three other friends when they finally made it to the bar.

"What else for?", His college mate Namjoon bumped his shoulder and asked the bartender for a whiskey.

"But a gay bar....?"

"What's wrong with that? You are gay", Hoseok gestured his drink towards him. "And I'm bisexual", he gestured the drink to himself.

"I'm just here for the entertainment and being the designated driver", Namjoon shrugged.

"But a stripper gay club...?", Yoongi pressed again and shifted closer to his friend when another barely clothed man passed by him.

"C'mon hyung, you haven't had any sexual fun since you were what, 15? You're 23 now, it'd be a shame to put those developing dancer hips to waste you know", Hoseok voiced out and downed his second shot.

"What, you're trying to 'ignite' it or something?", Yoongi raised his eyebrow at him. Namjoon pretended to act shocked with an added gasp. "How did you know?"

Rolling his eyes Yoongi played with the small shot glass between his fingers. "If that what we're here for? I'm not even desperate for some fucking, let's just go back."

"Nuh uh", Namjoon grabbed the back of the ravenette's collar and pulled him back. "I did not spend 180 dollars just to leave so we're gonna spend the night here and you're gonna enjoy it", he squinted at the older boy and Yoongi couldn't say no to his hyung.

Hoseok dragged the two other males to the second row from the stage as some show was about to begin. Yoongi already didn't like the look of the single chair at the middle of the stage.

Some sexy music started to play, and a muscular guy with nothing but some baggy pants came rolling on to stage. His moves were very strong and aggressive, but still fluent and radiated sex appeal, not that Yoongi felt any.

The men around him hollered and threw money on to the stage. If Yoongi was quick enough he could've snatched some $10 mid air. The man suddenly threw his pants off, revealing a thong underneath and started grinding the ground. Good core strength, Yoongi couldn't help but admire as the man picked a random audience member on to the stage.

They sat the mid 20s man on to the chair and he started doing all the dirty acts, grinding, riding him, you name it. While Hoseok and Namjoon whooped, Yoongi was just uncomfortable watching it. It was practically porn live and he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. Noticing his tense posture Namjoon bumped his hip against Yoongi's as a sign to start dancing with him. Due to the tight space, there wasn't much he could do, but he slightly moved his hips together with the younger.

Two hours passed and all they three friends have been doing were drink dance and watch more stripper performances. Hoseok so far has made out with 3 different men. He wasn't a hoe, he was just a guy enjoying his time at a gay bar. Hoseok was currently chatting with a new friendly bartender who Yoongi found out a bit later was pan.

Namjoon came jogging back to where he said was the bathroom. Hoseok noticed his presence and for a few seconds the two communicated with their facial expressions as if they were confirming something. Hoseok grinned and wrapped his arm around Yoongi's shoulders.

"Oh hyung my dear friend you are in for a treat", he slurred from his drinks. The two started to lead him to those private rooms that you needed to pay extra for a more special session with a worker.

"What did you guys do....?", Yoongi asked unsure while eyeing the door they stopped in front of.

"You'll thank us later", Namjoon quickly said before opening the door and shoving Yoongi in. They shut the door and held it so the ravenette couldn't escape.

"GUYS WHAT THE FUCK", Yoongi yelled while jiggling the doorknob and hitting the door. The room was medium sized, a single bed with silk covers sat in the middle and a simple chandelier hung above it. He didn't like where this was going.

"Have fun~ I payed 50 bucks for it", Hoseok said in a sing song tone. Judging by what they're saying, it was exactly what Yoongi thought was gonna happen.

He sat at the edge of the bed which was surprisingly comfy and dropped his head to his hands. God, why didn't I just tell them in the first place? It's not that hard to go "Hey, I'm asexual!", Yoongi contemplated in his head. Since he was 17 after trying to go to the next step with his boyfriend at the time, he just couldn't keep going and later concluded he doesn't get sexually attracted to anyone. When he told his boyfriend Yoongi was dumped instantly. That was most probably why he didn't tell Namjoon and Hoseok. He didn't want them to abandon him.

He ran his fingers through his hair messily. Maybe the person who'll come in will understand? But what if they get upset and expose him while demanding for a refund? Yoongi wasn't exactly ready to tell his friends yet.

He heard the door open, and Yoongi prepared himself.
"Can't you skip one night? Mr. Lee will kill you if you don't hand in your assignment", Taehyung's friend and roommate Jimin said through the phone. The older sighed while touching up his eyeshadow.

"The boss was going to cut my paycheck if I skipped again. Besides, Hyoji caught a cold", Taehyung explained. If you told him 3 years ago that'd he'd be a stripper at a gay club, Taehyung would most probably have laughed and said "mood". He smiles at the irony. Look at him now; a college student currently slipping on a chest harness with nothing underneath and black leggings in the locker room of a gay club. It wasn't so bad, other than the occasional creeps, because of Taehyung's handsome and young face, business has been booming. Unfortunately because of it he's barely given day's off but Taehyung desperately needs the moolah, so he didn't mind too much.

"Hyung pleaseee just this one more time? I'll buy you breakfast tomorrow", the younger begged. Sighing under his breath Jimin agreed and later ended the call, saying "Don't get an STD."

Taehyung stepped out of the locker room, fixing his newly dyed red hair one more time. Immediately eyes were on him, checking him out, thirsting for him, catcalling him. He wasn't gonna lie, he did feel somewhat cool and powerful.

"Hey baby why don't you dance for daddy?", Some old dude purred and wrapped his arm around Taehyung's waist. Having experienced this plenty of times, Taehyung smiled and flicked the creepy dude's arm off, bending down and whispering into his ear, "Sorry daddy, baby's already booked", and walked away. He rolled his eyes as he practically heard the guy's pants get wet just from that sentence. Taehyung's relationship with his job was complicated; he liked the payment, and sometimes liked fooling and waving his bi ass around, but the weirdos and homework pile up can be stressful.

He strutted over to his assigned private room and saw two guys snickering outside of it, one of them holding the doorknob as if to make sure whoever was inside stayed inside.

"Ah you must be the one we hired?", The taller one grinned at Taehyung. He nodded and said he'll take over in a seducing tone. The other drunk guy fanned himself with his hand after Taehyung muttered the sentence.

He opened the door and closed it behind him, tilting his head up like all the other times. The man's head was in his hands, hair messy probably from the amount of times his fingers raked through it. Oh, a breakup? Problem at college maybe? Taehyung guessed in his head. Pushing it to the back of his conscious, he threw his game face on and got to work.

Not Marin related but I was going through some of my notes and saw this I wrote with my own OCs. Reading back I really liked how I wrote it and decided to publish it after changing the names :99


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