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Spiderkook is back y'all ;3

I hummed a tune in my head as I walked towards the regular internet café, but judging by the crowd of people running away from the distant sounds of crashing, it looked like our lunch meetup was going to be postponed.

Civilians ran and stumbled to get as far away from the fight as possible, but I was here dodging the frantic people as I tried getting to the main event. I knew I looked like some lunatic teenager risking their life just to see some action, but it was deeper than that. Because a certain web-headed friend of mine was going head-first into danger, and I was gonna make sure his ass was okay.

"What are you doing?!", A woman had grabbed my arm just as a car flew from around the corner and smashed into the building on the other side. Everyone there at the moment had crouched down to avoid the possible flying bits, including the woman who had her strong grip on my arm. I used the opportunity of her loose hold to pull away and continue running down the path.

I hid behind the corner of an Italian restaurant, the grunting and crashing even louder just on the other side. There were still some people trying to evacuate. At least this time no one bothered to notice me. Just before I peeked around the wall, a sudden gush of wind carried my stray hairs up as a lamp post flew by and penetrated the window of an office building in front of me. Before it did, my eyes caught a blur of red and blue.

Spiderman was crouched on the lamp post, keeping his eye on the beast ahead of him. His masked eyes briefly looked my way, and turned back again when he saw I was standing there. An earsplitting roar cut through the air, now recognizing it as The Lizard's. Spiderman's eyes shifted back and forth from me to the villain frantically. From around the corner, large stomps that almost shook me off the ground became louder and louder, and the reptile was about to pounce on the hero. In a swift movement, Spiderman jumped in the air and webbed his jaw shut to buy himself some time. As The Lizard tried to scratch the white spider silk off, Spiderman had landed right in front of me. His arm grabbed my wrist as he started dragging me away.

"You shouldn't be here", his voice was raised and clearly annoyed. He had no time for his trademark quips, he was too frustrated with me.

"I have to make sure you don't kill your ass", I disputed, trying to get his strong grip off of me. It felt like it was my job at this point, to keep an eye on him and make sure he's okay. A job I happily accept.

Stopping in front of an abandoned car, he placed both my hands on the hood and webbed it down until all there was was a mountain of white silk pinning me down. "Hey!", I complained. Tugging was no use as it was too strong.

"Stay here.", Spidey deadpanned before swinging away to deal with the raging monster. Frustratedly bouncing in my spot, I then tried looking around for a shard of glass or anything sharp that could cut me out. More roars and crashing was happening 2 blocks away and my heart beat accelerated anxiously. Spidey deals with bad guys and villains all the time, but the future is unpredictable. You never know if Spidey would get hit critically or not. Something in me said I had to be there, to keep an eye on him as if my presence would lessen the chance of him being injured. In a way, Spiderman was my responsibility.

"Miss, are you okay?", A man suddenly approached me. His eyes widened at my hands pinned down. Taking out a pocket knife he easily cut through the webbing.

"That menace just left you here? Imagine if you got hurt from that damn fight", the man grumbled as he sawed through the silk. "Can't believe people still like him when he's doing shit like this."

My lips pursed as he kept saying profanities about the hero. As the last bit of webbing that held me down to the car was cut, I dashed away towards the fight once again. The man's yelling was muffled by both my conscience and The Lizard's roaring.

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