.burn the stage.

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"Uhm hi", the faint auburn haired girl paused and chuckled nervously. "Sorry this feels a little weird."

"Take your time", the director softly urged. The idol took a breath.

"Hi, my name is Kang Marin, also known as Marin. I'm a vocalist, sub-rapper and the only girl in BTS."
"When people ask, "What's the hardest part about being the only girl in a boy group" I'm sure they're expecting something very dramatic or juicy. But I've been with these boys for so long, we understand each other so it's not that difficult being with 7 other guys", Marin said to the director as she got interviewed. "They're not super rough with me, they respect my personal space as a woman and they care and love me."

"Well then what about as an idol? I'm sure you've gotten criticism about being the only girl", the director stated and she nodded.

"Of course. If it was a group that had an equal amount of boys and girls that'd be fine, but 7 boys and one girl? Spending time with each other 24/7? I'll admit if I were a normal person I'd also find it strange."

"A few years have passed so honestly I don't care what they think. Namjoon oppa told me early before I debuted that the media doesn't know us, they don't know me. So all the rumours and hate they throw my way are irrelevant."

"Though, I am human. There are a few things I admit I do struggle with."
The camera cuts to the group practicing Not Today in the big Sydney stadium. The song that echoed through the arena ended and immediately Marin dropped to the ground on her back, breathing heavily.

"You okay, Marin?", Jin who was the closest asked with worry.

"I'm good", the younger girl huffed out. She stood up and bent backwards, hands on her sides. "I don't think I stretched properly."

"Or maybe it's because your stressing your joints too much", Jin disagreed. "Are they sore again?" She brushed him off saying it was again all good and the camera transitioned to Marin lying on a bed getting massaged by their standby massage therapist.

Marin mewled as the therapist pressed and dragged the palm of their hand around her shoulders, feeling instant relief. If she could, Marin would've stayed in that position for days.

"Marin you need to slow down. You have a small physique so these complicated dances take a--"

"My woman body does not stop me from handling a few fast dances-- Ah!", The girl paused as the massage therapist pressed down on another stiff joint.

"I never mentioned your body being female", Namjoon shook his head. Marin pursed her lips as she let the therapist unstiffen her joints.

"I'll be fine, honestly. Too caught up in the dance I guess", Marin tried ease the leaders mind. Namjoon could only with crossed arms hang his head, hoping that she doesn't overwork her body.
"I don't like constantly saying "because I'm the only girl" because so what if I'm the only girl? I don't want it to sound like an excuse and that I'm on some lower level compared to the other guys. But I'll have to admit that yes our choreographies are pretty challenging for my petite frame to handle. You'd think after all these years I'd get use to it", the idol tucked some hair behind her ear as she chuckled.

"The boys are bigger, bulkier, stronger. I have to keep up with them so people don't see me as a flaw in the performances. It means I'll have to push my body slighter harder, I'll have to show off more energy harder, I'll have to perform harder. And yes sometimes it does affect me."
Various shots of the Sydney concert played. Fans were screaming and singing their hearts out to the songs of their idols that they finally get to witness in the flesh. Lights shone and fireworks erupted, adding more even more power to the already powerful stage.

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