.my queen.

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AU where Taehyung's a hunter and Marin's a vampire :0

AU where Taehyung's a hunter and Marin's a vampire :0

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Taehyung arrived at the mansion's doorstep. He doesn't usually answer calls so late at night; a stormy one at that, but when he saw that it was the Shimadas, how could he refuse a possible large payment? The Shimadas were no doubt one of the top richest families in Transylvania.

"Mr. Helsing. Right this way", an old man opens and greets him at the door. He invited Taehyung inside and the hunter squinted at how bright the light reflected off the white porcelain.

"Mr. Helsing! Thank you so much for coming here at this late hour", the middle-aged Mrs. Shimada sighed with relief. Her husband stood not far behind her, clearly uninterested.

"Ma'am please, there's no need to refer to me with that title", Taehyung said politely. He adjusted his belt packed with weapons and gadgets. Mrs. Shimada looked at him a bit confused.

"He isn't actually called 'Van Helsing', the people just call him that." As heartless and cold as Taehyung appears, he couldn't quiet believe how lowly Mr. Shimada spoke to his wife. There have been rumours going around town about how their relationship is breaking and the scandals of Mr. Shimada gambling and having affairs with other women, but Taehyung rather not want to stick his nose into their business.

"Oh? Then, what do I call you, dear?", The woman turned to Taehyung. His lips formed a straight line.

"You may just call me 'V', ma'am", he replied. "So what's the trouble?"

Mrs. Shimada gasped a little, a hand on her chest in fret. Taehyung caught her husband's eyes roll at her dramatic act before focusing back on the person who called him over in the first place.

"It was horrid! I was passing by to check on my ill mother who rests in the living room, when I see this woman hunched over her neck. My mother's blood dropped down her mouth before she teleported up into the attic. And I know she's still there because minutes before you arrived, I heard this squealing and rustling", Mrs. Shimada explained. V couldn't help but look amused.

"Was this vampire on her own?"

"As far as I saw. I'd rather not want to imagine more", the woman shivered at the thought, her hands quickly rubbing her upper arms as comfort.

Interesting, Taehyung thought. Female vampires don't usually go out and hunt on their own. That doesn't give V an excuse to lower his guard. Even if she was by herself female vampires are more feisty and wild compared to males.

"Is your mother alright?", The hunter asked. If the woman was dead, then that showed that this vampire was blood thirsty, and needed to be killed immediately.

"Would you like to see her? She's still in the living room", Mrs. Shimada said, and brought Taehyung into the wide open living area. A maid was pressing a cloth over the old woman's neck, and a young woman, about Taehyung's age, was on her knees next to the grandma holding her hand.

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