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Mr. Song had just showed us a preview of the dance to our comeback title track DNA and me being nervous was an understatement. The moves were clean and strong, something I always had trouble with. Even after he said I was doing okay during our practice, I still felt like I lagged. A few hours later practiced ended, but I stayed behind to get my steps more precise. J-Hope noticed and offered to help when hearing about my worry.

We moved without problem, I myself even noticing some improvement, but something kept drawing my eye and distracting me in the mirror. No matter how much I tried to look away, my attention kept going back to my stomach. The song ended and we took a quick break. I headed over to my small bag and took out my ginseng drink.

"That's probably the third ginseng I've seen you have in the past two hours", Hoseok commented while drinking his bottle of water. I only laughed it off.

"Now that I think about it, you never liked ginseng."

"I've grown on to it", I replied, my fingers covering the pack a bit more.

"Do you have more? I could go for a sugar boost", he asked and walked over. I responded no. His eyes scrunched together.

"Why are you lying?", He asked confused. Dammit.

"No I'm not..." My words seemed to trail off.

"Don't be so greedy, you probably have a lifetime supply with the amount you've been drinking nowadays", he grinned and reached for my bag before I could stop him.

"Oh wow, I was only joking when I said you had a life supply", he stared wide eyed as he took out the small plastic bag from my bag filled with ginseng juice. "When did you even buy all this?"

He took one out and read the package. At that point I wanted to crawl into a pit and die.

"Weight loss...?", He read it out loud. I dared to look up at his confused and hurt face. He digged his hand in the bag to see that they were all the same. The drink was suppose to make you lessen your want for food (does that make sense I'm sorry XP) so it's helpful when you want to diet.

"Is this why you've been eating small portions a lot?", He asked. "Because you're starving yourself."

"I am not starving myself", I shot defensively. "You said so yourself I just eat less, and that's because I've been drinking that."

"Have you been reading the comments again? We tell you not to care about them", he grunted and tossed the plastic bag on to the ground.

"It's not that. I gave my body no mercy after WINGS promotion, stuffing my face with any food I could get my hands on. Comeback's about a month away and I need to loose this tummy", I told him and pinched the excess fat on my stomach.

"The album is literally called 'Love Yourself'. We're suppose to be promoting that", Hoseok fought back, his tone starting to sound angry and annoyed. I stood up, my body slowly becoming furious.

"I know, and I'm doing this for me. Is it bad that I want to feel and look thin? Is it bad that I want to look and feel desired? That I want people to look at me and say "Wow she's so sexy", "She's so pretty". It's my body and I can do what I want", I spat meeting his eyes. There was a difference between starving yourself and loosing a bit of weight and I was offended that he thought I was doing the second one to myself with him knowing how hurt I was when Jimin skipped meals before WINGS. His eyes were cold, but I was too upset to care.

"So you have been reading comments", he said through gritted teeth. A bitter laugh escaped my mouth as I crossed my arms and looked away.

"You can go now. You have that mixtape to work on right? I'll be fine on my own", I retorded and grabbed a ginseng bottle from the bag. It was suddenly grabbed out of my hand and thrown away hard on to the wooden floor.


I was pushed back harshly to the mirror wall, my body bouncing off a bit from the force. A grunt came out from me and I looked at my attacker dead in the eye. My glare was nothing compared to whatever hell was in Hoseok's dark brown eyes. I felt myself cower slightly. That's when I noticed how close we were. I could feel his heavy panting on my face and his arms were on either side of my face, trapping me.

"You want to feel desired?" I almost choked on air by how many octaves his voice just dropped. Words suddenly weren't able to form. His eyes then slowly dropped down to my gaping lips, his hand for a moment leaving the mirror behind me to graze them.

"I'll show you."

And all hell broke loose.

He crashed his lips on to mine, his hands cupping the back of my head to have better control. My knees went weak, my heart went insane and my stomach was tingling and burning. He tilted his head for a better angle and bit my bottom lip.

A pleasurable moan escaped my lips as I let my eyes close and slowly kissed back, letting him take over. My forearms rested on his shoulders for my hands to tug and twist his orange hair. I let my tongue slip in and I smirked mentally when I heard a deep groan from his throat.

His hands slid down my shape and rested on my waist. He held me in place as he rolled his hips on to mine. A shocked moan escaped my mouth.

"This", Hoseok sighed when he pulled away, his hands feeling my stomach. He playfully pinched them. "Don't get rid of this. I love it too much". He bended down slightly to leave light pecks all over my exposed skin. I pulled his hair back so he'd face me when I felt his lips almost go down my belly button. His eyes were filled with desire and lust. Mine probably did too.

Hoseok stood back up to connect our lips again. We continued from where we left off, exploring each other and breathing each other's air.

Finally we pulled away for good, still holding on to each other while we take our time to take in our needed oxygen. My eyes stayed glued to the ground until I felt a hand lightly guide it up until I met a familiar face. Hoseok's face was flushed and his lips were swollen. His eyes now held softness and content.

"Don't think that's gonna stop me from loosing the tummy", I laughed breathlessly as his face turned to a frown.

"You're so stubborn", he said and pecked my lips.

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