.wedding (pt. 2).

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It wasn't often that I got to perform on my own, but when I strummed the first chords and sang the first notes, it was like I was in my room by myself playing around with my guitar. Yes it was a bit nerve-wracking having family members watch you perform (especially your parents who never supported your job in the first place), but the lyrics that I was dedicating to my brother and sister-in-law, and the supportive presence of my group members was enough for me.

I sang the last note and the hall applauded barely a second after. I nodded my head to the newlyweds and took a quick look at the table at where the boys were. They all beamed and clapped harder, showing thumbs up and mouthing "good job"s.

I noticed Jin's Dorito-like built sat in between Jimin and Namjoon. I've lived and spent time with him long enough to know that his expression wasn't as excited and sincere compared to the other boys. It grew a wrong uncomfortable feeling in my gut. Was he still upset about earlier? I held my guitar next to me and went down the stairs of the stage.

I spent most of the afternoon around family than with the boys. They understood how rare it was to be around your family, whole families including cousins and uncles at that, and didn't mind that I did not hang around them majority of the event. Some younger cousins of mine invited their friends who just so happened to be a fan of BTS and so with the boys permission they were allowed to chat a little which I found very cute.

Some time passed and it was time for another performance, this time by the other members. It was clear how my mom looked uneasy and judgemental in her seat, but all my eyes were on was to my group members who I have been through thick and thin with.

They sang Propose and Coffee. I stiffled a laugh as the rap line snapped their fingers and swayed as if they were a barbershop quartet while the vocal line sang Propose. My mom shuffled in her seat as she clearly showed her discomfort towards the rap line rapping but knew she couldn't say anything because the bride and groom (mostly the bride) were clearly enjoying it.

Every now and then I couldn't help but glance at Jin. He still had the neutral face, smiling every so often from the boys acting silly. 'You two definitely need to talk later' I thought. The eldest as well looked my way, and it stayed. I felt his stare on me through the whole performance and I tried containing the heavy blush that was for some reason growing every time our eyes met.

"Why does Jin oppa keep staring at you?", Mina whispered next to me.

I only responded with an unconfident shrug.
"Marin", I heard Namjoon call me.

"We gotta go", he said.

My eyes widened a bit. It had only been 2 hours since the ceremony. "Now?"

"We're leaving for Osaka tomorrow. There's still a lot we need to go over."

It was going to be a while until I get to be around my family again, so I nodded, knowing I should be grateful for spending the time that I did that day with them. Namjoon said they'll wait at the lobby for me to say goodbye to my siblings and take pictures.

Of course Hyeonsung and Sunghee were super supportive and understanding when I told them I had to go. They called the other family members and we quickly took photos on the stage. Hugging and wishing them long lives and health, I left the wedding hall.

As I walked down the wide hallway, I admired the elegant Greek-like pillar structure of the hotel on my left. It was too hard to resist and I stopped to take some selfies. Namjoon never said we were in a rush so I took some sweet time.

"Marin-sshi?" Looking ahead I saw that it was one of my younger cousin's friends that I chatted with earlier.

"Oh, hello. Yunho, right? Dasan's friend?", I asked and he nodded. Yunho was much taller and more mature looking than other 17 year olds I've met. When Dasan first introduced him to me my immediate thought was that why did he have a 22 year old friend?

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