.v live.

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After going through my 10 step skin care routine, I was still fully awake and it didn't seem like I'd get a yawn out anytime soon. I laid back on the hotel's queen sized bed and thought of what I could do to pass the time. Phone? I need to rest my eyes. Dance? I don't want to wake up anyone and I'm not really in the mood. Go to one of the member's room?

I sat up and looked left and right at the doors connected to two other member's room and wondered on which one to go to. Jimin or Jin? Jin was probably getting his beauty sleep so I settled on Jimin, if he wasn't already asleep of course.

I opened my door slowly and saw that his connected door was slightly ajar. Inside, he was sitting at the desk drawing something while broadcasting himself. Gently I knocked on the door, causing him to look away.

"Oh, Marin-ie. You aren't asleep?" I shook my head and said I wasn't tired and walked over next to him, bending down so I was in camera view. "You're doing a live?", I asked him while checking my appearance on his phone and greeted the viewers.

"Yeah, just doodling random stuff. Wanna join?", He asked and I nodded enthusiastically. Between writing and drawing, I leaned more to writing, but it didn't mean I wasn't good nor didn't enjoy drawing. I picked up the paper that the hotel provided and kneeled down next to Jimin, picking up a pen and drew random flowers.

"Come sit up here", the blond suggested and patted the space next to him on the chair.

"Oh no, I wouldn't be able to fit", I declined.

"Well it wouldn't be very gentleman-ly of me to let you sit on the ground. Sit on my lap?", He cocked an eyebrow with a teasing smile, receiving a slap to the arm. "Okay okay. Then you sit on the chair and I on the ground."

"Really oppa it's fine", I assured him and we continued our doodling. A little bit later we showed our art piece to the camera. Jimin had done a cute collage of many things, smiles, swirls and flowers with 'ARMY' in the middle of it all. I on the other hand went a bit more simple, different styles of flowers and leaves.

"I've been thinking about what colour to dye my hair next. Have any ideas?", I asked Jimin not turning away from my fresh paper and started to sketch a girl with long flowy hair.

"Any more colouring and you'll be bald in 5 years like Suga hyung", the blond teased. "I like your short white hair though. It would take some time for me to get use to it when you do change it."

"Mm, I like it too. ARMY has any idea?", I turned to read the chat. "Back to black, mint green oooh like Yoongi oppa", I grinned. "Blonde, red, lavender--okay you guys are too good at this."

"Rose gold--", I stopped to gasp. "Rose gold is really pretty! That's the colour to beat, oppa what do you think?", I asked Jimin while taking out my phone to search up some examples. He looked and he chuckled.

"What is with you and all these mature and cool hair colours nowadays? Just go back to blonde or black, like when you were 19", he pouted.

"Mm, rose gold, I'll definitely put it into consideration. Or maybe a dusty lavender instead", I pondered more. Jimin brushed it off and said to think about it more later. We continued to draw and later on stopped to just chat with the viewers more. I had to keep telling Jimin to stop running his hand through his hair and he kept laughing.

"Okay I think that's all for tonight, someone's getting a little sleepy", he lowered the camera down to my level. I was sitting on the ground leaning against his chair with droopy eyes.

"Nooo, I'm not tired", I protested but a yawn came right after.

"ARMY will get mad at me for keeping you up so late", he said. "Say goodbye now."

"Byee~", I drawled out sleepily. Jimin also said goodbye and logged off.

"Okay now get out the guys and manager will scold me for staying up late", he shoo'ed me.

A hand to my chest, I pretended to be offended. "And here I thought you actually cared about me", I sighed dramatically. He chuckled and dragged me over to our connected doors. We wished each other a good night before heading to bed.

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