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Continuation of ".coffee."

"How much do you plan to drink, exactly?", Yoongi asked from his living room, sitting on the arm rest of the leather couch. He fumbled with his sleeves, debating whether it not he should roll them up. In the end he decided yes and folded them up halfway, just at his elbows.

The ravenette didn't put much effort into his outfit; a black and white striped button up and a pair of black jeans. Upon Marin's request, the duo were heading out for some drinks in a club in Hongdae. It surprised Yoongi since Marin doesn't like shady and dark spaces filled with drunk hooligans and drinking, but she was a college student, and could use some time to de-stress. It had also been some time since Yoongi had some tequila, so why not?

"We don't have to plan ahead. We'll just see where the night takes us", Marin answered as she stepped out of the hall, finally ready. After months of playful teasing and free muffins, Marin gave Yoongi her number. They texted and called and eventually started hanging out together. It came to the point where she became a regular at his apartment and even slept over a few times.

Yoongi isn't an expert in clothing, but even he could tell that the sheer top she was wearing did absolutely nothing in concealing the bra top worn underneath. "Besides," Marin added, "You can pay for them all no problem if I decided to drink a lot."

Yoongi held back a smile. "So is that why you asked me to tag along? To pay for your hangover tomorrow?", He accused. He placed his hand on his chest for dramatic effect, ignoring Marin who was close to dropping on to the ground from her flustered laughter. "The café doesn't pay that much. I'm hurt", he said. Using the same hand that was on his chest, he pointed to her see-through shirt. "Is it suppose to be worn like that?"

Marin stopped laughing and looked down at where the end of Yoongi's finger gestured to. "Yeah, why?", She asked. She shrugged her shoulder towards him in a pose and grinned playfully. "Too much to handle?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes

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Yoongi rolled his eyes. She can be so full of herself sometimes. It was something he honestly admired about her. "You just don't usually wear something so, daring", he said. Marin's painted soft red lips poked out as she flattened the material on her stomach. Suddenly surging with this newfound confidence she stated, "Well I think I look nice."

"Never said you looked bad", he smiled. Yoongi got up from the couch and readjusted the silver bracelets and rings that decorated his hands. "Try one of my denim jackets though."

Marin wanted to disagree, but judging by all the other times Yoongi suggested to change something about her clothes they usually end up better than before. As much as he didn't admit it, Yoongi has a good fashion sense. She didn't question his judgement and ran into his room. She liked wearing his jackets anyways so she had no reason to complain.


'Dark Lagoon Club' was just as the two imagined a street side club to look like; a neon-lit bar sat on the left side, a bopping DJ on the stage mixing beats and wasted drunk people on the cramped dance floor who were grinding and spilling drinks on each other. Yoongi was sure the couple who stumbled into the booth next to him were about to do the Devil's Tango in there. He grimaced.

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