.april fools.

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Exiting the sound check room, our group headed towards our dance room to practice on our upcoming comeback's choreography. I had my arm around Jungkook's shoulders and we playfully swung lazily with every step.

"Ah, Marin. Can you come here for a minute?", One of our male director's called for me from behind. I patted Jungkook's back and told the rest to go ahead. The director brought me into a room which had two other staff members.

"The cameras are already set on the practice room. Like we practiced alright?", The director said and I gritted my teeth in excitement.

"I'm nervous", I shook in my spot. I've never acted like this before. I was scared I wasn't going to be convincing and the whole prank would be a flop. One of the staff members was already holding a camera and recording.

"You'll do great. You've been going to extra acting classes haven't you?", The staff member asked and I nodded.

"Introduce yourself and explain the prank for context for the Bangtan Bomb", the director instructed.

"Hi guys", I waved to the camera. "This is BTS's newest member Marin."

"At the end of this month it will be my one year anniversary of being an official member in this group", I clapped softly. "Even before debuting though, you know how I was already close with the other boys since their predebut days."

"It is April 1st today, so me and some staff thought 'why not we do a little prank on the boys?'" With a cheeky grin I continued, "I'm going to act like I've been so so stressed and that I've decided to become a solo artist. I know, I know, it's mean but I myself is curious on how'd they react. So, shall we go now?"
It had been half an hour since the director pulled me aside into the room. We were going over our choreography of our new song 'Fire'. We were all excited for ARMYs reactions. It was going to be a drastic change from our last comeback.

Mr. Song knew about the prank, so he didn't question why I had a few angry fits when I kept slipping up every now and then. Being the perfectionist I am, even if I was acting, I get easily get frustrated when I can't get a step right, which fortunately made the scene look more convincing.

"Let's take 5", Mr. Song said and I walked over to my water bottle, slipping down on to the ground.

"You alright, Marin?", Hoseok said from across the room. I waved him off with a short nod. "I can teach you slowly step by step of you'd like." I waved him off again.

"No no it's fine. I don't want to be extra weight", I sighed.

"Extra weight? You wouldn't be extra weight, what are you talking about?", He laughed around the end. "You can learn again together with Jin hyung and Namjoon."

"That's what I mean", I gestured forward. "You already have Namjoon and Jin oppa to handle. I'm suppose to be one of the quicker learners", I said with a little grunt.

"No one is perfect, Marin", Jimin spoke up with his thumbs twiddling.

"I never said I was perfect", I argued. "I'm just saying that it's expected of me to have this dance settled with." Right before taking a break, Mr. Song recorded our dance one last time so we could catch our errors. Tapping the screen I watched the video attentively.

Barely 20 seconds into it and I paused it. I threw my head back, annoyed.

"What's wrong?", Taehyung who had been sitting on my left asked, surprised that I suddenly stopped the video.

"I'm slow." I held the screen up to Taehyung so he could look closer. As he observed the video I got up and ruffled my hair.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, we all know how hard-working you are. You got this", Jin playfully punched my shoulder. I mentally frowned in my head with how sweet they were accessing the situation. I started feeling a bit bad for pranking them.

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