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3rd person POV (oh wow what a change)
Suga didn't think that he would be helping the soloist Suran in producing a song with a demo of his. From just featuring in his mixtape to now helping write lyrics and composing, he could tell that there was going to be a great outcome.

"Ah, I have to go now Suga-sshi, I'll message you the drafts for the bass", Suran nodded towards her co-worker and started packing up her things. Yoongi nodded and saved the beats into a file. Just before the singer got up and left, he stopped her.

"Ah --- before you go," he paused and picked up a random notepad and pen. "Could you sign an autograph for a member of mine?"

"Oh, sure. For who?", Suran asked taking the notebook and pen and signing it quickly.

"Our yeodongsaeng, Marin", he replied and Suran's eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Oh, Marin-sshi! She's a fan?" Yoongi nodded saying Marin had started to listen to her music a few months back and was instantly hooked.

"Aww, why doesn't she ask me herself? I actually was hoping I'd get to bump into her while we worked."

"Knowing her, she's too shy but when I asked her she said she didn't want to disturb us working", Yoongi answered, a small smile growing on his lips.

Suran chuckled along. "Do you happen to know if she's in the building right now? If I can I'd like to give this to her personally", she said. Fortunately for her, Marin was in fact in the building, in one of the recording studios. With a cheeky thought in mind, Yoongi nodded.
Through the small glass window of the room, he saw Jungkook sitting by the monitors and was able to faintly see his female member in the corner. Slowly opening the door, the maknae noticed them and stood up, greeting them. Marin on the other hand was deep in her singing on the other side of the glass. After a bit she opened her eyes and realizing Suran was in the same room as her, she choked on air.

She was hesitant to come out, quietly freaking out in the sound proof room. Jungkook walked over to the door and slowly pulled her out, knowing well how much Marin loved the soloist.

"Hello", Suran bowed when Marin didn't say anything. Hiding behind Jungkook they both bowed back.

"I heard you wanted an autograph from me Marin-sshi." Still flustered, the idol could only nod wordlessly. Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. Even if it wasn't long that she'd been listening to Suran, she admired and looked up to her so much. Her unique voice and her genre of music caught her attention and had her wanting to be like her. Not to mention the soloist was devilishly good looking.

"Suga-sshi told me you were around so I wanted to give it to you personally." Jungkook had to physically nudge Marin forward to take the small notepad. Hands shaking, she took it.

"I really like your music sunbaenim", Marin finally mustered up the courage to speak, laughing nervously afterwards. Suran couldn't help but coo at how cute she was.

"Thank you. I saw your dance cover of my song 1+1=0, it was really good!"

"O-Oh! Yeah the boys showed me that you retweeted the video link. Still feels unreal", Marin stuttered.

(This song actually came out in 2017 and this one shot is taken place in 2016 so let's just pretend it came out sooner kay?)

"What were you doing if you don't mind me asking?", Suran asked motioning to the glass. Marin was again too shy to speak so Jungkook took over.

"Ah, Marin was singing a cover of one of our old songs. It's kind of a series she does", he answered.

"Oh, which song this time?", Yoongi finally decided to join the conversation, crossing his arms over his chest casually.

"Look Here", Jungkook answered again.

"Can I hear a bit? I really like your vocals Marin-sshi", Suran complemented and it took all her will power not to scream like a madwoman.

Before Marin could protest, Jungkook already moved towards the monitors and pressed play. The idol's smooth and sultry voice filled the room as she sang the prechorus till the chorus. Marin covered her red face as everyone was in awe and moved by the vocals.

"Awh, that was so good! We have to collaborate someday", the older singer squealed excitingly. Yoongi stood behind Suran smirking, happy and proud that Marin's talent was being noticed.

Suran then noted that she had to go and asked to get a picture. Jungkook and Yoongi both helped taking one with each one of the ladies's phones. Afterwards, Suran bid her farewells before exiting the studio.

And that's when Marin was finally allowed to release her inner fangirl.
In case some people notice, Suran debuted a year after BTS, but Marin technically debuted in 2015, so Suran's her sunbaenim. Just to make sure there's no confusion!

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