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Fights aren't anything new in Bangtan, from a small petty one to a whole heated argument. I myself even get caught in one every now and then. But that doesn't mean I ever like them. They normally start from misunderstandings. It was night and we were at our dorm. Me, J-Hope, Jimin and Taehyung were watching a Bangtan Bomb that had been recently uploaded. J-Hope made a comment about how childish Jin was acting. It was obvious he didn't have any bad intentions but with the way he worded it out, it left the eldest who was sitting at the living room offended. One thing came after another and it became a yelling verbal fight. Me, Jimin and Taehyung could only watch silently in fear as two of the most positive people in our group acted so aggressively towards each other. It ended with J-Hope slamming the door of his room shut and Jin tying his shoelaces and heading out the dorm.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the first jacket I could get my hands on and slipped on the easiest shoes I had and ran out, hoping I didn't lose Jin already. The last time Jin stormed out after a fight he came back at 3 in the morning. I wanted to make sure he was okay. When I poked my head out of our main door, I caught Jin's back swifly turning the corner. I saw Jin step out of the building just as the doors of the elevators opened. I wasn't sure what to do or say when I finally caught up to him, so I just followed quietly behind him like some stalker.
That late January night seemed colder than other nights and I wished I planned to wear sweats instead of shorts for bed. Jin kept walking until we reached the busy part of town, people flooding the streets surrounded by various food stalls. There were multiple times where I'd loose him in the crowd and I'd ultimately panic, but later would catch him a few seconds later.

Thankfully, the road started to die down and it was now moderately packed. My legs and face we're freezing and my feet were aching as I didn't have enough time to slip on socks before putting on my boots but I still walked behind Jin with a 2 feet gap between us. I was honestly shocked at how he still hadn't noticed me but I brushed it off thinking he was too caught up in his head.

Suddenly, I felt my nose start to itch. Oh no, I'm gonna sneeze. I pinched my nose and tried to cover my mouth with my other hand and out came a muffled baby like sneeze. With my eyes closed shut I prayed the man in front of me didn't hear.

His fiery eyes pierced mine when I slowly opened them. He took three large steps towards me and grabbed the edge of my jacket.

He's gonna strangle me. So this is how I die.
"Marinnie, aren't you going to drink more?"

I stared worriedly at the drunk Jin sitting across from me. Apparently he didn't want to choke me, instead he had tugged the jacket so it'd cover my body more and grunted about how I was going to freeze. He then dragged me to this small store and bought soju for the purpose of warming me up, but so far he's just been taking drink after drink. Giggling, he reached for the alcohol and poured himself probably his 10th or more drink and downed it in a second.

"Marin needs to drink soju to feel nicee and warmm~ if you get sick then it'll all be my fault", the intoxicated man said in a cute voice, pouting and placing his hands on his sides for extra affect. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. Jin has a high alcohol tolerance and doesn't drink like crazy, so it was rare of me to see him drunk. I've only heard stories of how he acts cute and clingy under the influence and they seemed to be coming true.

"No thank you. One of us has to be sober", I replied responsibly. My alcohol tolerance was pretty high too, but I wasn't going to risk it.

Jin wanted to reply but suddenly frowned, his plump lips basking in their glory. He fished out his phone and whined.

"Yah even after silencing my phone he just won't stop calling me. Rin-ah make it stop", he said and showed the screen. It was Jimin calling him.

"Wait wait wait!", I stopped him quickly before he could hang up. Grabbing the phone from his hands I answered the call.


"Marin? Why are you answering hyung's phone? Is he okay is he with you--"

"Yeah yeah don't worry he's okay, he's with me and he's drunk", I cut him off looking at Jin who was giggling at his own fingers.

"Oh okay. What were you thinking not bringing your phone? I've been calling Jin hyung for almost 15 minutes hoping you were with him. You just bursted out in your pyjamas and Namjoon hyung's jacket." I glanced down at the oversized olive jacket I had on.

"Well Jin oppa didn't exactly give me time to change did he?", I raised my eyebrow down to the phone.

"Hey! You weren't suppose to follow me in the first place", Jin scolded, his voice now starting to slur. I ignored him.

"When are you getting back? It's almost 12:30", Jimin then asked. I looked over at the brown haired man in front of me who was already downing another shot.

"That, is uncertain. You know what I'll call you when we're on the way back", I said. Jimin agreed and told me to stay safe and to get back soon. I hung up and decided to hold on to the phone.

"Oppa, we should go back home now", I tried to tell Jin. He looked up to me and scowled.

"If we go back, Hoseokie's just gonna yell at me again", he pouted.

"No he won't"

"Yes he will"

"You don't know that"

"Yes I do!"

At that point I felt like I was quarrelling with a child. I had to find a way to get him to go back to the dorms. I contemplated whether or not I had to talk to him like he was a child since he was acting like one. Well it didn't hurt to try.

"Oppa, the boys are worried sick. Hobi oppa didn't mean what he said, he was just mad. People say dumb stuff when they're mad." I was cringing so hard but it looked to be effective as his eyes seemed to softened.



"On one condition"

I groan.

He poured a cup of soju and placed it in front of me.

"Drink this"

My eyes went wide. "Oppa," I started. "You know I'm a wine person."

"I knowww", he smirked evilly.


"Just one!", He held one wobbly finger right in front of my face. "Oneee cup, and that's it"

Grimacing at the tiny glass, I mustered up the courage and threw the liquid down my throat. It stung so bad I started to cough like crazy. I really prefer red wine.

"Seee?~", Jin cooed standing up. "That wasn't so hard." He started to walk towards the exit.

"Oppa wait we have to pay!"
It's almost 1am I'll post two other chapters later on

𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now