.ellen show.

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"Hi nice to meet you guys my name is RM, I'm the leader of this group and kind of the spokesperson."

"Hi guys~ my name is V."

"Wooh! Hi! I'm you're hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope."

"Hi. I'm Suga. Thanks."

"Hi nice to meet you guys I'm Jungkook!"

"Hello! Hi, My name is Jin and uh, worldwide handsome."

"Hello everybody my name's Marin, nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you guys I--", he gets cut off by the screaming fans sitting behind us, causing me to chuckle. "I'm Jimin", he finally gets to say.

"All right, so we have an interpreter here just in case I need one but you two actually, RM and Marin, you two speak English, pretty well. You taught yourself English?", Ellen turned to RM. He then explained how he'd watch the TV show Friends a lot.

"Oh, well that's great what about you Marin were you self taught too?"

"Actually uh, when my mom was young she studied in America to be an English teacher and so she taught me and my siblings when she had us later on. Also when I was about 2 or 3 there was this British exchange student who lived with us for half a year so I learned through him too", I replied.

"She's much more fluent than me though", Namjoon pointed his thumb over his shoulder to me.

"No, you're great oppa", I replied in Korean making the fans scream. With the boys now able to understand what I said I briefly told them what he had said before, making them all holler in disagreement.

"RM, your English, very good I proud of you", Taehyung said patting our leaders shoulder. J-Hope gave two enthusiastic thumbs up.

The interview continued with us being asked about how our music touches sensitive subjects and about ARMY.

"Have you ever gotten together, hooked up with an of the ARMY?"

The boys only sat there as me and Namjoon laughed at the question. As Namjoon explained how we were already doing it I translated briefly to Jin, Jungkook and Jimin who were closest to me. They broke into grins and chuckled.

"I mean," I stopped so the crowd could calm down. "I mean, if anyone is interested...", I said and turned to wink to the ARMY behind us, causing them to scream.

"You know what I mean have any of you dated an ARMY? Explain what 'hooked up' means, come on", Ellen gestured to the translator making me and Namjoon laugh more. Namjoon gestured for Taehyung to answer.

"Not. Not", he paused to look at his hyung, who told him to keep going. "No", he said making all of us laugh.

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