.late night.

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Marin couldn't sleep that night. There wasn't anything distracting her; she was just still wide awake. The clock struck 1, and she knew the rest of the boys were either asleep or at their studios at the company. She strolled into the kitchen, thinking that maybe she could get herself into a food coma to make herself get a blink of sleep. Marin was eating some chips, browsing through the cabinets before catching a bottle of red wine. Suddenly a drink seemed like the best idea. Taking it out she started pouring herself a drink.

45 minutes had passed and she was starting to get tipsy. She could still be aware of her own decisions, but her movements were starting to sway and she felt more carefree. Her phone was on the coffee table playing some music as she moved along to the beat, her wine glass a courter filled from taking sip after sip.

Marin heard footsteps coming out from the hallway. Swinging her head over her shoulders she saw Jimin rubbing his eyes as he watched her amused.

"What are you doing up so late?", He asked and then noticed the bottle on the table. "How much did you drink?"

"Doesn't matter", she whisper-giggled. She wobbled over and took a hold of his hand. Dragging him to the center of the living room, she said to him, "Dance with me."

Jimin was too awake at this point to go back to bed. It was always fun watching Marin get tipsy. He found it cute. Taking her glass, he poured himself a full cup and drank it in one go. 'Better as well get a bit drunk with her', he had thought. Resting a gentle hand on her waist, Marin followed and placed her right hand on his shoulder and facing each other they moved to the beat.

"You're insane", Marin told him referring to how he chugged a whole glass of wine like it was water. Jimin responded with that signature squeaky laugh. At some points they freestyled and wiggled in their spots, causing them to laugh, and the other would shush them to not be so loud.

Some more time passed and they were giggling like the drunks they were becoming. Everything felt fuzzy and the slightest movement of anything made them want to erupt with laughter. Again they could still think straight, just they were thinking straight on a tight rope while feathers tickled them in every direction.

The cute upbeat IU song had ended and Marin was at the couch dramatically posing with a pillow in hand. A heavy and slow beat started to play, and the girl recognized it as "You Don't Own Me". Glancing over to Jimin, he was pushing his hair back while he heaved for air, a drunk smile on his face. Marin's intoxicated mind suddenly thought of an idea as the song slowly progressed.

She abandoned the pillow, and swayed her hips at every beat, heading towards Jimin. He noticed it too and his eyes scanned her whole figure, his gaze changing quicker than his personality on stage. Marin stood in front of him and took his hand, making it wrap around her as her back faced his chest. Another beat dropped and her bottom rolled on to him, her hips moving agonizing slow. She felt his body tense up from behind, and Marin smirked.

Jimin used his nose to push back Marin's hair and he came in contact with her bare nape. She could feel his hot shaky breath on her as his lips lightly grazed her neck, causing arousal to shoot through her entire body. She shamelessly moaned and Jimin took it as a sign to start lightly kissing her nape. Together they swayed to the music while enjoying the little gestures of intimacy. Jimin's hands roamed around her hips and waist while Marin held on to his muscular arms that held her. 

Finally having enough, Marin turned around and in a heartbeat they captured each others lips. Their mouths moved rhythmically against each other as they wasted no time in slipping their tongues in and fighting for dominance. Jimin moaned as Marin tugged lightly at his hair, causing him to bite her bottom lip.

He backed her to the couch and flipped her on top so she was straddling his waist. They broke lip contact and stared at each other, both numb-lipped and breathless. They looked into each others eyes as if making sure the other was okay with proceeding. Lust and desire filled both of their eyes, and they knew they didn't want anything more. In no time at all they kissed again.

Despite Jimin holding her head down softly with his hand, she pulled back and went down south to his neck, biting and leaving open mouth kisses. Jimin's back arched as his body instinctively wanted to get even closer to hers. He hissed and groaned with satisfaction as Marin left love marks on his neck and behind his ear.

Marin allowed him to flip her over and attack her neck. He licked her collarbone and bit to give her the same collage of red and purple she did on him. She covered her mouth, not wanting to let out such sinful sounds that would wake up the rest.

"No, doll", Jimin whispered hoarsely in her ear. "I want to hear you moan my name."

And she did. Marin mewled his name into his ear as he sucked on her sensitive spot at the crook of her neck. She used her left hand to prompt herself up while using the other to hold his neck down. On impulse she started grinding on him. She felt his smirk on her skin and they connected their lips again, slowly and hungrily. Marin's submissive side was starting to show as she whimpered in the kiss.

"What a good doll", Jimin purred when they stopped for a second to take a breather.

Something in Marin snapped and she urged him to lay back on the couch. She pressed her lips harder on his, biting his bottom lip and soothing the sting with her tongue. Jimin easily let out a deep moan.

"Don't ever call me", Marin started, crawling backwards so she could grab the hem of Jimin's shirt with her bottom teeth. She slowly crawled back up, letting the material pull upwards and her lip dragging against his toned stomach. Jimin clutched on to the cushion under him as he tried his best not to cry out. Finally reaching his neck, she let the shirt fall out of her mouth as her warm hands roamed his chest and stomach. She bent down and grazed her lips against his.

"Doll", she finished, pushing herself off and downing another glass of wine that was left on the table, leaving Jimin hot and flustered.

I think all those smut books and imagines really came in handy hoho

Will edit later cuz I'm at a theme park now wee


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