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Marjerin royal AU

Marjerin royal AU

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Royal staff women swarm me as I'm fitted into my tea dress. Mother sat on my cushioned chair observing the look come together as her lady-in-waiting stood beside her.

"Do smile, Princess. It ruins the dress", Mother massaged her face with her fingers, judging the sour expression I've had on since morning.

"My afternoon is the one ruined", I humpfed back. Tired after returning from university, I planned to snuggle into one of the velvet chairs in the palace library with a book in hand and warm cup of tea next to me. Mother approached me and suddenly pushed me back into my room just as I had changed for me to change again.

Ignoring my grumbled statement, Mother turned towards her lady-in-waiting. "Should her hair be up or down?", She asked.

"I think it'd look lovely down, my Queen", her assistant Liz answered next to her ear. Nodding to herself, she asked the staff next to me to fix my hair down.

"Is a new dress necessary though, Mother? I already have like 20", I voiced.

Mother gawked. "Of course! This isn't just having tea with anybody you know", She said. I rolled my eyes. The staff fluffed my long dark hair a bit more, and Mother shot out of her seat and clapped excitedly.

"Ah, yes! That's perfect. Oh darling, you look lovely", she smiled and I could only give her a lopsided smile in return. Stepping closer, Mother fixed my hair some more and looked me up and down.

"Just some simple makeup, and curl her hair a bit", Mother smiled, telling to the staff. Holding my shoulders, she spun me around so that I could look at my dress. While most people would gawk at the beauty of the dress, I yelled out in terror.

"Mother!", I exclaimed, covering my exposed cleavage. The purple chiffon tea length dress was beautiful, but the bodess literally held my girls up, making them look bigger and plumper. Knowing my mother was the one who chose the dress, I faced her. "This is not appropriate!"

All she did as a response was give me a teasing smile and bumped her shoulder with mine. "It'll only just be Seokjin and his mother, it's not like they'll be any paparazzi", she said.

"What happened to modesty?" I stepped off the stand I stood on and walked closer to the tall mirror. My hands hovered over my chest as I spun around to look closer. No wonder I felt like I was suffocating earlier, they really tightened the back to highlight my waist.

"You've grown a lot in 3 years. You should flaunt the gorgeous beauty that you are, dear", Mother winked, quickly glancing down at my cleavage. I blinked in shock, crossing my arms over my chest. I started to question her intentions for the tea time. She rarely chose my clothing and hair and makeup. Sure it was our family friend who we haven't seen in three years, but was the revealing dress necessary? I saw the staff giggling at my flustered reaction and to them I sent a glare.

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