.fan attack (pt.2).

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Seokjin and his 7 babies

Joonie: meeting at the dorm now

Group meetings weren't anything new so I didn't think much when Namjoon sent the message in our group, although something about the way he typed it out made me a bit nervous. Lifting up the now dry tissue I checked and luckily the redness was gone. Slowly I peeled them off and slipped on an oversized knitted cardigan before heading to the living room.

After a while Jimin came out of his room looking distraught. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he showed me the screen of his phone.

Silversnow @jhopie
A fan grabbed Marin harshly by the arm earlier at the airport upon her arrival from Japan. She and her manager managed to get the fan off but they left long scratches down her arm. I hope she's ok :''(

The pictures attached to it was blurry, but you could make out the fan grabbing my arm. The other picture you could see very faint red down my arm. My face suddenly lost its colour.

"Why didn't you say anything?", He said through gritted teeth, his face dark and emotionless. I wasn't sure if I wasn't able to speak because I was afraid of him being angry or because of the guilt of not telling.
At that moment, the door opened and the five other members walked in, all their faces with a worried expression etched on their face. I was so in trouble.
We all sat around the living room in an awkward silence. On his way back Jin had bought some bandages and he and Hobi were currently patching my arm up.

"Guys really it's just some scratches--"

"You don't have a say in anything, missy", Hobi snapped at me, continuing to gently rub ointment on the wound.

"Marin-ah, it doesn't matter if it's a scratch, a jab to the stomach or anything. You still got hurt", Namjoon stated calmly. "We all had to find out about this through Twitter and Bang PD-nim messaging us."

I thought I was doing them a favor by not telling them but man was I wrong. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what, as I knew any excuse of mine would be pointless. So I just whipped out a whimpy "I'm sorry."

"There's also video of the incident, so we heard what the fan said. Rinnie, don't believe what they said, of course you belong in Bangtan", Taehyung said in a sad tone. I only nodded but the question never left my mind even after I joined the group a year ago. Antis bring it up all the time and it always made me question my self-worth.

I glanced over to my left and saw Jungkook sitting there with his head hung low. I caught the tear trickling down his cheek and guilt flooded every part of my being.

"Noo no Kookie don't cry I'm okay, it's not that bad." I tried to sooth him by leaning over and wrapping my good arm around his shoulder. He quickly pushed my arm away while crying out and I was forced to look straight into his pained bloodshot eyes.

"Yah, what do you expect me to do then? They physically hurt you, noona! Of course I'm going to cry about it. You've done nothing wrong yet you get this horrible treatment and you just shrug it off? Stop saying it's okay when it's obviously not!", He wailed tears flowing down like a waterfall. He shot up from his seat and power walked towards his room. Without hesitation Jimin got up and followed after his little brother, leaving the rest of us stunned. Jungkook has cried in front of us before but he had never yelled like that ever. It was so unlike him it took us all by surprise.

I didn't even notice my body shaking and the tear that had escaped until Jin got up and side hugged me, rubbing my arm for support. "He's just overwhelmed, don't take it to heart", he said.

"He's right though", my words came out barely above a whisper. "I should've told you guys. I'm really really sorry--" I stopped myself from going any further, not wanting to cry in front of them.

"We understand your intention but either way you still have to tell us everything that's going on whether it's threats or things like this. You'd think we'd be more stressed finding out about it but really it kills us when we find out too late. You are a part of our group, please don't be afraid to tell us these things", Namjoon said getting up and hugging me quickly.

"We're gonna have a meeting about this at 6 later at the company so just rest for now", Yoongi told me and I nodded. Taehyung waddled over and gave me his cuddles he knows I love while Yoongi and Jin went out to buy some food.
We decided to leave at 5:45 pm and I had changed into a big long sleeve shirt over a pair of shorts. It was at the same time I came out of my room that Jimin came out of Jungkook's room, the maknae following soon after. We both met eyes and stood there awkwardly.

Letting out a sigh I tiptoed a bit and wrapped my arm around his big shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. He responded immediately, his arms snaked around my waist and his face nuzzled beside my neck. We stayed that way for a bit, taking in each other's heat and comfort.

"It's okay now", I whispered patting the back of his head a bit. I heard him sniffle a bit before he pulled away, wiping the bottom of his nose. Jungkook laughed.

"This is a bit embarrassing", he said shyly trying to hide any evidence of crying. We heard Namjoon call from the front door saying the van was already here. The entire time from when we left till the end of the meeting Jungkook had not let go of my hand.

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