.sasaeng (pt.2).

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Since the incident at the beach, there had been no sign of CherryRinnie. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or even more scared by that, but Jin had been a bit more protective since then which had me at ease.

Our WINGS tour was put on hold due to award season. We were backstage at MMA getting ready for our upcoming performance when I felt nature calling me.

Jin was the closest when I had said out loud that I needed to go and told me to go with someone. I wanted to argue saying I was fine but knew he would be persistent so I asked one of our makeup stylists to accompany me.

After doing my business, I stepped out of the bathroom. My stylist saw that I was out and took a head start at walking back to our dressing room. Her being a quick walker and the fact that the place was twice as packed then before had me ending up loosing her in the crowd. I didn't panic too much, as I remembered passing by things so I was quick to find my way again.

"Marin-sshi", a male voice called out. I turned around and saw a staff worker with a cap and mask on. "You need to be on stage now."

"What? But we still have 10 minutes", I said confused. He went ahead and told me that we had been called early and that we needed to be on standby now. Far back in my head was a voice that told me not to follow him, but this performance stage was special and important and I didn't want to mess it up. Nodding, he gestured for me to walk ahead of him and I followed his lead.
As I sang over my lines quietly, I started to notice the unfamiliar walls around us. The hallway was becoming more and more empty and the sound from the stage above more faint. That's when I saw a sign in bright red that read "EXIT" a head of us.

"Wait wait this isn't the way to the stage", I spoke up and turned around. I was quick to catch another staff taking a turn from where we came from.

Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my forearm. My heart beat quickened and I whipped back to the staff with me in panic. He started to forcefully drag me down the hallway.

"STOP! LET ME GO!", I struggled in his grasp. After a bit, I changed my tactic and used my free hand to push his face away. The man had grabbed my other hand with his other arm, but not before I was able to pull down his face mask. My stomach dropped as my old fansite stared back at me with a stone expression. My urge to get away was now stronger as I struggled even more and dug my heels into the ground.

"You're not helping yourself with making this harder for me", he grunted before wrapping his arms around my arms, pinning me with my back against his chest and held me up. I flailed around and at that point was begging for help. Fear was taking over as memories from that pervert resurfaced in my head and tears welled up in my eyes. The difference was there was a low chance anyone would get to us in time as the hallway was deserted.

"Please", I cried. "Don't do this." My body was growing tired and he was only a few steps away from taking a left where the emergency exit would be. "Please please you're better than this."

"You're the one that pushed me away", he growled into my ear. "I gave you attention and love, but you just pushed me away."

"But that's okay! That's fine, because we'll spend some time together and you'll see why I do the things I do." The way the tone of his voice changed sent a hard shiver throughout my body. I was going to get kidnapped. I was going to be taken away by this psychopath and he would do God knows what.

I started to bawl out. Fat tears fell from my eyes and snot dripped out my nose. I called for my members, crying for their help. I suddenly wished Taehyung would crush me in a bear hug when he took a nap. I wished for countless restless hours with Namjoon producing music. Any little thing I'd usually find annoying of the members I then wanted so badly because I might never get them again. My loud cries were cut off by his hand covering my nose and mouth, almost suffocating me.

Past my muffled wailing, my ears caught the sound of shoes clicking against the cement floor. That alone reignited the hope in me and I started to flail around again. I was able to bite on a bit of my kidnapper's hand and I called for whoever was around the corner.

"PLEASE! I'M OVER HERE", I was able to call out before CherryRinnie slapped his dirty hand back over my mouth. Through my tears I made out the figures of 3 MMA staff. He must've seen them too as suddenly his gripped tighten around me and he started bolting down the hallway. I suddenly was grateful for the times the boys told me not to diet as it was obvious he was having trouble running while carrying me at the same time. Finally he realized his chances of kidnapping me were useless and threw me on to the ground, running off.

It was a hard landing against the wall but at that moment I could care less. As the 3 staff chased after CherryRinnie, Sejin ran up and crouched down next to me, asking if I was okay. Before I could reply, another person was already dropping on their knees in front of me and pulling me into a hug. I immediately recognized the scent and width of the shoulders and started to cry again.

"Shhh, you're okay now, you're okay." Jin rubbed comforting circles on my back as I ruin my makeup even more. "I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again", he chuckled lightly and it did succeed in getting a small smile from me. More footsteps were heard and I heard the rest of the boys asking questions.

"We need to get on stage", I finally realized after a few minutes. I wobbly stood up but was stopped by Hoseok.

"You just went through something traumatic and all you can think of is our performance? We need to think of you right now. Are you hurt?", He asked. I shook my head saying I was fine and that we needed to get going.

"No, I agree with Hoseok. Marin I think you should sit this out", Sejin suggested and the rest of the boys nodded their heads.

"No it's okay, really. I've cried enough and I can cry again if I need to. Right now I need to redo my makeup and get on that stage", I said with such determination. They didn't say anything, only giving glances, before I sighed and started to head back to our dressing room myself.
I knew my red puffy eyes were obvious on camera, but I ignored it and continued to display a strong expression.

With Jimin and Jin ending Spring Day I walked off to the side. When we were out of camera shot, Taehyung was the first to attack me in a hug. Jungkook took the slower approach and placed his chin on my head, holding me close. Everything that had happened only minutes ago started to slowly process in my head. I didn't cry again, but my breathing quickened and I felt an anxiety attack coming. Luckily we already were backstage where Yoongi helped calm me down.

The first thing I did when entering our dressing room was collapse on to the couch. It was probably the most exhausted I have ever felt in my life. Just as I start to doze off, I felt myself being lifted off the couch and into someone's chest. I don't complain and only snuggled closer into the eldest member's chest, their arms wrapped around my back protectively.

"You really okay?", His question came out muffled due to his mouth being on top of my head. Too tired to answer, I only nod and he replied with another kiss on my head. The other members tried to say something to me or comfort me in a way but it was hard with Jin practically hogging me. They settled with rubbing my back and occasional kisses on my head or temple.

"I caught a glimpse of that guy holding you", Jin started to say. I hummed so he knew I was still awake. "I was beyond pissed, but then it was replaced with fear when I saw the way you looked."

"You looked so afraid, so fragile and my chest tightened. When he threw you to the ground like a sack of rice, I was pissed again", he said and it caused me to chuckle. I felt his head move down to look at me, and he held me closer. It was way different from the way CherryRinnie did. Jin held me with such love and care, as if I would disappear into thin air if he let go.

"Please oppa, let's not mention about what happened", I stirred. There was no way I was going to get a peaceful sleep that night and I'd rather not get a nightmare that featured my ex-fansite.

"Sorry angel", he said. He rarely used the pet name, so it had me in a bit of shock. But it showed how sincere and vulnerable he was at the moment. I nodded again before drifting off into unconsciousness.
wOwIe this is loong but hey hope you enjoyed. Sorry I haven't been updating so much if you follow me you'd see that I've been posting other short stories about my OCs so hey you can check that out

Unedited because it's almost 1am and I have school in the morning woOps


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