.noona sunbaenim.

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I watched carefully from behind the corner two editors walking down the hallway. As I glanced over my shoulder to make sure no one was coming, I heard the sound of the elevator doors opening and closing, signalling that they had left.

Clutching on to the big bag of snacks and drinks in my hand I scurried over to the practice room where our new junior group Tomorrow X Together were practicing. We never got to properly meet them due to both our busy schedules, and the company advising us to focus on our own things. I have ranted to Jin about wanting to see them, especially Yeonjun as we were acquaintances during trainee times back in 2014 when he had just joined BigHit. It was spent short as I debuted in BTS only a year later.

I gripped the door handle and very slowly pushed open the door, hoping I could just drop the snacks and leave, as much as I wanted to speak to them. Peeking my eyes in, I saw all of them sprawled on the ground asleep through the mirror across the dance room. I couldn't help but coo. It reminded me of the time when me and the Bangtan boys used to take breaks after intense practicing. Against the wall by the door was a cupboard already filled with stuff on top.

Slip in and slip out; that was the idea. Thinking it would be a cute surprise for them to suddenly have a bag of snacks waiting for them, I opened the door a bit wider and tip toed inside. One of them was sleeping sat up against the cupboard, another lying down not too far away. I went in to put the bag down, but saw the clutter of things on top. Clenching my jaw, I tried making some space on top of the cupboard top while leaning forward in an awkward position as to not wake him up.

A wide enough area was cleared and I gently placed the bag on top. I cringed at the sound the plastic was making with every subtle movement, but was grateful that the boys seemed to be heavy sleepers.

Just before I could let go, the drinks that were stacked in the bag slipped, causing me to scramble forward to catch it. The boy under me jolted awake, his eyelids heavy but widened when he saw me.

"Oh, sunbaenim!", The dark brunette exclaimed surprised. I tried to shush him, afraid I'd get caught but one by one the other boys woke up, saw me, and scrambled to stand up and greet me formally.

"No no no boys you don't ha-- woah", I jumped back by how they towered over me. I remember Namjoon mentioned some were taller than his 181cm ass but witnessing it with my 162cm height had me laughing in shock. "You guys are gigantic", I gawked. Even the shortest out of the 5 had his nose above my head.

"I'm sorry you caught us sleeping", Yeonjun goes and scratches his nape. "We were taking a quick break."

With a pout I told him, "Don't be sorry, I was like that too" with a smile.

"What brings you here, sunbaenim?", The dark brunette from before asked. I flashed my bottom row of teeth and took the bag of food and held it forward.

"I wanted to give you guys some snacks to energize you for your debut", I smiled cheesily. 3 of them happily clapped at the gift while the tallest took the bag with a bow. On the front of the bag they noticed the little pink sticky note I had attached.

Noona will support Tomorrow X Together forever ᕙ(  • ‿ •  )ᕗ Hwaiting!

-Marinnie noona subaenim

"Thank you so much", Yeonjun grinned and bowed. I scrunched my nose and stepped forward to lightly pat his upper arm.

"Hey, why so formal? We're friends, aren't we?", I dropped the formal talking. The other boys jaws dropped at the sudden affection while Yeonjun stood there embarrassed.

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